The Speech Therapy Blog

This speech therapy blog is your go-to location for parent support, speech therapy materials, assessment knowledge, and CEU opportunities. We have summarized research into digestible, usable bullets.

As we share our stories, we want you to be a part of the conversation. Speech-language pathology can be overwhelming at times. There is an intensity to serving children with needs and managing high administrative demands. And yet we love what we do. This blog, like many speech therapy blogs for SLPs is a respite from the hectic nature of our lives.

We are part of your village. SLPs, you change the world—one session at a time. Let’s get to work.



ASHA Convention 2024 – Our Picks on What to See

ASHA Convention 2024 – Our Picks on What to See

The ASHA Convention 2024 is right around the corner and lots of people (us included) are really looking forward to reconnecting with many people we haven't seen in person since before the pandemic, learning tons, and finding out what is in the future for speech...

Addressing Articulation and Phonology Concerns in Bilingual Children – 4 Questions, 4 Expert Answers, 60 Seconds Or Less

Addressing Articulation and Phonology Concerns in Bilingual Children – 4 Questions, 4 Expert Answers, 60 Seconds Or Less

Our recent conference on speech sound disorders united some of the greatest current thinking around how to improve intelligibility. We wanted to make sure that the insights that transformed how we practice were permanently accessible. We edited down some of the best,...

Dynamic Assessment Examples

Dynamic Assessment Examples

Doing a speech-language assessment is a time-intensive process and I know that adding dynamic assessment to your assessment line-up can seem like you are adding lots of time to your evaluations, but that doesn’t have to be the case. While many of the studies on...

ASHA Ethics CEU Courses That Will Surprise You

ASHA Ethics CEU Courses That Will Surprise You

ASHA ethics CEU requirements are becoming a part of the licensing process in many states.  It seems strange at first when you think about it because SLPs are a pretty ethical bunch.  Secondly, when you think about our limited time and all of the other...

Telepractice Language Therapy

Telepractice Language Therapy

For many of us who have begun to do teletherapy, it has been hard to wrap our minds around how to do telepractice language therapy and it feels like we are staring across a big gap. On one side, are all the therapy techniques that have been proven to work either due...

Teletherapy Using AAC

Teletherapy Using AAC

AAC Angst I'll be honest. I was bathing in a tub of scalding anxiety when I found out I needed to shift my 13-year-old client, who uses a dynamic communication device, to teletherapy. I appreciated the ease of my face-to-face sessions with Gian--his requesting an icy...

How Kids Are Feeling During Coronavirus

How Kids Are Feeling During Coronavirus

Home There have been a lot of tears in my house this week. My daughter turned 9 on Monday. Methinks her at-home birthday celebration was finally the event that made this global pandemic real. For weeks, she's been okay. Then, on the eve of her birthday, her eyes began...

Teletherapy with Young Children : Great Resources

Teletherapy with Young Children : Great Resources

For most of us, this whole idea of teletherapy is a new thing. We can wrap our minds around how to intervene with an older child pretty quickly. Even a bilingual older child makes sense, well, for 1: they talk! and for 2: which we can't take for granted, they can use...

A Day in the Life of an SLP  Amid COVID-19

A Day in the Life of an SLP Amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 Reality These last few weeks have been abrupt, anxiety-inducing and mind-boggling. As we find our footing for our new normal alongside COVID-19, there are BIG feelings within our homes and SLP communities. I want take some time to acknowledge the...

Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Hello SLP community, As I write this, we are winding our office down to begin a period of working remotely. Never before have any of us seen something with this breadth and depth of impact on our world. Restaurants and bars are closing or reducing services, grocery...

Why do we have new ethics requirements?

Why do we have new ethics requirements?

Why have ethics? Why has our field decided that you need to sit here and study about ethics? Why weren't the requirements here last year? What has changed if anything? In 2002, the United States ranked #20 in most ethical countries. Behind countries like Denmark, New...

Fall Speech Therapy Activities

Fall Speech Therapy Activities

The summer sun is yielding, and pumpkins have begun their descent into all foods, beverages and entryway decor.  Fall is upon us.  Each year we reach out to friends and colleagues to find favorite fall speech therapy activities. We decided to start this...

Speech Therapy Inclusion

Speech Therapy Inclusion

Less than 30% of speech pathologists do speech therapy inclusion. Yet, classroom based therapy gives us the opportunity to: Improve our relationships with teachersHave our therapy directly map onto academic goalsReduce our therapy planning by using the content and...

Planning for Speech Therapy

Planning for Speech Therapy

Back-to-school quick tips for planning for speech therapy When I pack up my stuff each May I write notes to myself in the third person telling myself what to do in the fall.  It has become a routine that makes me laugh hysterically because May is typically so crazy...

Best Books for Babies

Best Books for Babies

My youngest child just turned two in April, and I cannot help but think of how quickly my three children have grown up.  I've blinked, and the oldest is reading chapter books, the kindergartener self-wrote an apology note and the baby is beginning to tell stories...

How to do Group Speech Therapy

How to do Group Speech Therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy It was 2002, and I watched as Julie, my practicum supervisor, sat down with two first graders to read Mouse Paint.  I watched as she saw not one but two students at the same time.  My young SLP mind was blown, and I relished in...

I am an SLP

I am an SLP

The SLP-Life can feel overwhelming--IEP meetings, evaluations, report writing, trainings, making materials, programming devices.  At times, we sometimes find ourselves losing sight of why we are in this profession.  We are keeping it light this week with a poem by...

What is Speech Pathology?

What is Speech Pathology?

It was not until my sophomore year of college that I realized that I needed to go to graduate school to become a speech-language pathologist? What?! Two more years of school? No one told me about this part of the plan. A few years later, I started working in a school,...

A Guide to AAC and AT

A Guide to AAC and AT

 I Have No Idea What I’m Doing I promise I’m an SLP.  There are two diplomas tucked away in my garage to prove it.  I know the answers to questions.  Sometimes.   I can talk about language, social skills and articulation for days. ...

Top 10 Speech Therapy Resources

Top 10 Speech Therapy Resources

We wanted to share with you our Top 10 List of Speech Therapy Resources that have been downloaded from our SPEECH THERAPY MATERIALS PAGE over 10,000 times in the last year.  We are sharing these valuable materials with our blog community for free! Are you...

Increase teacher and parent involvement

Increase teacher and parent involvement

When therapeutic goals are addressed in the home and classroom, the need for services can be reduce and academic outcomes can be improved.  It is not uncommon for a speech-language pathologist to see a student in individual or group settings using therapy materials...

Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy

As a speech-language pathologist working in the schools, articulation is my middle name. I’m always looking for new and engaging articulation therapy materials for speech sessions. Especially when the school year is winding down or I have been working with a child for...

Wh-Question Resources for Speech Therapy

Wh-Question Resources for Speech Therapy

‘Wh’ Questions and Speech Therapy  “Why is the sky blue?” “Why can’t I fly?” “Why does it get hot in the summer?” Short of launching into a complex science lesson, parents may find it difficult to answer the numerous ‘why’ questions children ask at around 3-4...

Bilinguistics supports educators in Mexico

Bilinguistics supports educators in Mexico

 A whirlwind trip to Monterrey, Mexico In their 3 days in Mexico, Dr. Ellen Kester and Scott Prath: provided training for teachers, language specialists, and special educators from various parts of northern Mexico conducted a workshop about communication...

WH Question Stories for Speech Therapy

WH Question Stories for Speech Therapy

Next in our series of Predictable Books: Question and Answer! In WH Question Stories, the same or similar questions are repeated throughout the story (Example: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?/ ¿Oso pardo, Oso pardo, qué ves ahi? WH Question stories are...

Pattern Stories for Speech Therapy

Pattern Stories for Speech Therapy

Next in our series of Predictable Books is Pattern Stories! This week’s predictable book theme is Patterns – we are looking forward to sharing our favorite books that follow a pattern and why they can be so helpful and easy to integrate into our current therapy!...

Cumulative Stories in Speech Therapy

Cumulative Stories in Speech Therapy

Next in our series of Predictable Books: Cumulative Stories! A Cumulative Story is a story that builds on a pattern.  It starts with one person, place, thing, or event. Each time a new person, place, thing, or event is shown, all the previous ones are repeated...

Ah, the month of MAY!!

Ah, the month of MAY!!

With IEP meetings, last minute evaluations, holidays, fieldtrips, and statewide testing, great therapy planning often gets pushed to the lower rung of importance.   Rather than lament over the difficulty to provide services, EMBRACE THE CHAOS! The month of May...

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thank you for making us one of the best speech therapy blogs

Thank You for Making Us One of Best Speech Therapy Blogs for SLPs!

The best speech therapy blogs out there (which we are proud to count ourselves among!) do a few things very well.

The Best Speech Therapy Blogs Listen

In your over 1800 comments you have told us what you need, what is going wrong, and when we gave you resources or information that hit home. When we see patterns in what is being commented on and read, we know what to research next to improve our lives collectively.

They Challenge Ideas and Produce Results

The best speech therapy blog essays call it like it is but then give examples, ideas, materials, and products that are real solutions that will work for anyone serving in a real environment. Caseloads, paperwork, and budget cuts anyone? The popularity of our 650+ essays is a testament to the fact that SLPs are not afraid to speak their minds and that we want the same change you do.

They Connect Humans

You have been our shoulder to cry on with tears of happiness and dismay when this unique experience we call speech language pathology moves us. So many connections and collaborations have come out of the interactions between the 40,000+ subscribers who have found kindred spirits who share the same passion.

Wow, I love this post! Thank you for illuminating the special nature of being able to enter a person’s home to work with their child.


This was such a concrete explanation of how important language specific constraints are…I’m grateful for this excellent resource, and will be sharing it with my grad school peers.


Thank you for this thought provoking read! As someone who has been an SLP for over 40 years, I have to agree with the majority of what you reported. I look forward to reviewing the supporting studies in the future!


We have faithfully committed to publishing at least one speech therapy blog essay every Thursday. This isn’t always easy with report deadlines and kids to see. 

YOU have made us one of the best speech therapy blogs and the change we can effect when everyone works together motivates us to keep researching, collaborating, and sharing out great work.

Subscribe and join us in making the world of speech language pathology a better place.

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2025 SLP Study Abroad Info-Session Replay Now Available. Learn about this summer’s trip!
