Bilinguistics’ Books Contain the Templates, Explanations, and Instructions You Need to Provide Expert Therapy and Evaluations

From our clinic, classrooms, and home visits, our books are our legacy of 20+ years of research and experience. They are our gift back to a career that has provided us so many meaningful experiences.    

How Bilinguistics’ Books Came To Be

Starting back in the 2000s, we had been successfully treating children throughout Central Texas and the early intervention (EI), school, and clinic professionals we interacted with routinely asked us for our materials. We took these ideas to local conferences with similar success so we outlined our ideas and met with book companies.

And… every publisher said no. They said that SLPs didn’t need information on working with diverse children right now(!). They said that books about bilingualism would never sell because “the market was too small.” 

Soo… we decided to publish them ourselves. It was a steep learning curve but the logic was simple. If these ideas work for us with our enormous, diverse caseloads, they should work for others. And if not, they have our email address and phone number and will let us know!

With over 20,000 books sold and 100+ 5-star Amazon reviews, we haven’t looked back and are entirely grateful to a field that supports us so we can support them.

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Why are Bilinguistics’ Books Unique?


Each book we’ve published at Bilinguistics took several years to publish and went through several rounds of criticism by local SLPs before all the materials made the cut. The first versions of each book were fantastically ugly copies made in 3-ring binders. We took them into the homes, schools, and clinics, trashing what didn’t work and expanding on any idea that dismissed children faster or helped them communicate better.



Bilinguistics books are a small collection because each book is an exhaustive deep-dive into a very specific topic such as early-intervention, life skills, and literacy-based therapy. For example, when we wrote Life Skills, 9 SLPs worked in bilingual elementary, middle and high school classrooms assembling the materials that simultaneously organized the classroom, supported the teacher, and got fantastic results.

Real, Working SLPs Wrote Them:

If an idea doesn’t work in therapy or during an evaluation session, it doesn’t make it to print. If the strategies don’t work with children from every socio-economic group, you won’t find them in any Bilnguistics book. SLPs with large caseloads do not have the luxury of spending time and money on untested theory. It’s frustrating to invest time into an idea you picked up at a conference or somewhere only to find out it didn’t work. We wanted to create a different experience.

Great Price:

Bilinguistics’ books are intended to be affordable in three unique ways. We know what SLPs make and have priced them accordingly. We dove into the most up-to-date research so the books and ideas have longevity. One core goal of every book is to reduce time. Time spent testing. Time a child is in therapy. Time it takes to organize and make materials. So it is an investment that pays back with experience.

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