Reduce your evaluation time and improve your accuracy by referring to the following tables, graphs, and developmental charts.

Share these evaluation resources with your teachers, staff, and colleagues to better identify students who need your help.  We are continually doing research to improve the evaluation process.

Speech Therapy Evaluation Resources

Analysis of the Informal and Formal Bilingual Articulation Assessment

Analysis of Formal and Informal Bilingual Receptive language Assessment

Analysis of Formal and Informal Bilingual Expressive Language Assessment

Apples to Apples for Speech and Language

Articulation Norms for Spanish and English

Assessment of Fictional Narratives

Background Information Organizer

BAPA and iTap Dynamic Assessment Form

Building Blocks for Speech Slide Wall Chart

Common Communication Measures

Common Disorder Traits Shared by Children with Hearing Loss

Common Semantic and Syntactic Errors in Second Language Learner

Contrastive Analysis of Language Template

C-PAC Assessment Protocol for Calculating Articulation and Phonology

Crystalized Knowledge - Intelligence as it relates to a Learning Disability

Cultural Parameters and Assessment

Diagnostic Accuracy of Select Language Assessment Measures

Dynamic Assessment Protocol

Early Sound Development Quick Reference Tables

Evaluation Checklist PK-K 1st English and Spanish

Evaluation Impressions/Notes Organizer

Evaluation Test Log

Evaluation Test Packet Checklist (Bilingual)

Evaluation Report Text Samples

Evaluation Writing Organizer for Rec and Exp Language

Executive Function Skills Checklist

Frog Where Are You Comprehension Questions - Eng & Spn

Goals that Apply to all Children Regardless of Home Language

Home Language Survey Suggestions

How Hearing Loss Affects Speech

Interpreter Informational Sheet

Language History Form

Merging Information into Report Templates (Sample Excel Merge File)

Parent Questionnaire for Language History

Phonetic Inventories- Spanish vs English Venn Diagram

Phonological Patterns of the English Language Learner – Quick Reference Charts

Phonological Process Norms -Spanish and English Comparison

Red Flags for Speech Language Impairment

Speech and Language Development of the Languages of the World

Speech-Language Evaluation Planning Tool

Teacher Referral Packet for Second-Language Learners

Vision Screener - Quick Informal

Vocabulary Building and Improved Recall Recommendations

Vowel Comparison for Spanish and English (Venn Diagram)

Venn Diagram (Blank) for Sound Comparisons

If you work with diverse children, you need this book.

Refer, Evaluate, and Treat Diverse Students Confidently

16 ASHA CEU hours!

slp evaluation resources

A Tour of Our Speech Language Evaluation Resources

This library of evaluation resources has grown over time to include some of our all-time favorite ways to save time during a testing session, make sure the outcome is accurate, and easily and clearly share the results with family members, teachers, and during IEP meetings.

We wanted to tell you about four unique aspects of some of the top downloads and how we use them. Yes, these resources can be used for speech and language testing, but we wanted to dig into some areas of testing that are not covered well by most resources on the internet. Just like our equally useful speech therapy materials page, the resources above are organized alphabetically. So if you find something you like, just preview it and hit download!

Bilingual Evaluation Resources

Bilingual testing can sometimes double the testing time. More than any other circumstance, we need a way to carve off the time needed to accurate make the call as to whether a child qualifies or not. Here are five great evaluation resources. The Languages of the World PDF are links to where to find developmental information on 3 dozen+ languages.

  • Common Semantic and Syntactic Errors in Second Language Learner
  • Articulation Norms for Spanish and English
  • Goals that Apply to all Children Regardless of Home Language
  • Phonetic Inventories- Spanish vs English Venn Diagram
  • Speech and Language Development of the Languages of the World

Evaluation Resources for Non-Standardized (Informal) Testing

Standardized testing may seem pretty straight forward. But what about all of the children with additional diagnoses or additional languages spoken at home who don’t fit the mold of the group that the standardized tests were normed on? We have two processes that we do on almost EVERY one of the hundreds of evaluations we do each year. We do narrative exercises and use the following form to analyze the results. We also do dynamic assessment of things that the child missed so that we can rule out a lack of experience and cultural influence.

  • Assessment of Fictional Narratives
  • Dynamic Assessment Protocol

Collecting Data from Parents, Teachers, and During Your Session

We aren’t the only ones contributing to the evaluations. We need information from everyone involved. In addition to a library of best-of intake forms that we are developing, these evaluation resources are really helpful.

  • Home Language Survey Suggestions
  • Language History Form

Help With Writing Up Your Evaluations

And then there is writing it up after your evaluation is completed. No small part. Here are three print-outs to get you organized so you have what you need to begin writing.

  • Background Information Organizer
  • Evaluation Impressions/Notes Organizer
  • Fluency Assessment Calculator


Assessment and Evaluation of Speech-Language Disorders in Schools –

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