Welcome back to our series on report writing.  Today, we are going to talk about using pre-filled charts and tables to expedite your report writing.  If you are new to the series on Tips for Faster Report Writing, check out our first post on setting up a report template and work your way through the series.

I include a lot of tables in my reports.  Some of them are filled with merge codes.  Some of them are pre-filled.  Below is an example of a table that is filled with merge codes.  We need to include all of our sources of information with dates. A lot of that information comes from the documents that are included in the referral folder.  Others come from the testing sessions.  Using this table, I include the tests that I use most frequently and merge the testing date into the date boxes.  Then, I delete the tests I do not use.  I always find that it is faster to delete than it is to create something or to go find it somewhere else and copy it in.

using tables in reports

Set up tables for each of the tests use you.  Then, you only need to fill in the numbers.  Here’s an example from my template.

And here is one of my favorites.  With this chart of phonological processes, I provide examples that STAY IN MY CHART. Earlier in my career, I felt the need to put examples specific to the child in my chart.  Then, I realized that the purpose of my chart is to help the reader understand the types of errors being made.  I can still include a speech sample for the child so his or her specific examples are known, but I don’t need to change up my chart. Instead, I just delete the lines that are not appropriate for the student I am writing about. Also, I include developmental information for both Spanish and English in the table so I don’t have to look it up over and over.

You can download a version of this chart .

If you want to include test descriptions in your report, check out the awesome resource at Home Speech Home.

Next up:  Pre-Written Paragraphs

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