Structured Literacy Intervention for ALL Students Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan’s gave a workshop on how SLPs can incorporate structured literacy components into their intervention to support all students—especially those from diverse backgrounds who speak English as an...
How SLPs can Incorporate Structured Literacy Intervention for All Students
Structured Literacy Intervention for ALL Students Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan’s gave a workshop on how SLPs can incorporate structured literacy components into their intervention to support all students—especially those from diverse backgrounds who speak English as an...
Why Understanding Cultural Parameters is Important to SLPs
Cultural Parameters and SLPs: Speech language pathologists self report that they do not feel...
Cultural Differences in Speech Therapy and Assessment
Every good debate starts with a better disclaimer, so here it goes: When you talk about cultural...
Dynamic Assessment with an Interpreter
In our multicultural world, we often have to rely on interpreters to help us communicate with...
Summer Speech Therapy Homework for Spanish-Speaking Parents
We all know how difficult it is to communicate with parents when they speak another...
Using interpreters for speech-language evaluations
I had a call from a speech-language pathologist in a school district in Virginia that has students...
Case Study: The Dreaded S Sound Meets Bilingualism.
So the S Sound stinks. Let’s just admit it. Whose idea was it to take one of the most...