Enjoy this consolidated list of winter speech therapy activities to finish the year off right.   It’s go time.  Just a few days left of school and it would also be nice to have therapy pre-planned for when we get back in January.  Here are downloadable and printable activities.  Children are crazy excited at this time of year and these activities help us tap into their elation.  

If you like using books, we also have our: Best Winter Speech & Language Books for Therapy.

Speech Therapy Winter Bingo



Winter Lotto

Winter Holiday Bingo

“This is a fun and easy bingo that kids love and can easily be adapted to work on articulation and language goals.  For use in Spanish or another language, you can write the words on top of the English words and then laminate the cards.”         – Kristen

 Online Winter-Themed Activities

“Here is a list of websites for winter speech therapy activities that are helpful for finding winter holiday themes.”      – Kat

Pinterest: 191 Best SLP: Winter Themed Activities

Making Learning Fun has Christmas activities for various subjects (science, literacy, math, etc).

“I found a blog with this neat TPT sequencing/storytelling snowman worksheet.  It’s a free download as well.” Victoria G.

Teachers Pay Teachers Snowman Worksheet

I also found a blog with a nice list of winter activities. Many of them are paid however. Here’s that post: Dabbling Speechie.

Winter Literacy-Based Activities

The Mitten Speech Therapy Activities

“I LOVE to use “The Mitten” by Jan Brett (and others). I’ve probably gone overboard with the attachments but I have included them all here.” Allison L.

The Mitten Combined Winter Speech Therapy Activities Folder

Favorite Winter Literacy….

Preschool:The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats,  Wolf in the Snow by Matthew Cordell 

School-Age:The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg, The Last Dragon by Susan Miho Nunes, Snow by Uri Shulevitz

Secondary Level:  Shel Silverstein poems about winter (Snowball, Come Skating, Merry), Harry Potter for the win, win, win.

Winter Speech Therapy Activities
Winter Speech Therapy Activities

Holiday Poems

winter speech therapy activities

“I love poems. Here is a great one and an attachment with a list of some of my winter favorites (with some that I made up!).”   – Cristina

English Winter Poems

Polar Bowling

It used to be that polar bears

Went bowling, just for grins,

With snowballs for their bowling balls,

And penguins as the pins.

The bears would have a blast,

With all the snowballs that they threw.

The penguins weren’t as happy;

That’s the only time they flew.

So penguins all moved south and now,

They’re at the other pole.

Well, wouldn’t you move far away

If bears used you to bowl?

Kenn Nesbitt

Comparing and Contrasting:  Seasons

“I love how we have a place to save all of our resources and therapy tools online at Bilinguistics.  Here are 3 winter activities I have used.”  – Alisa

Venn Diagram Winter_Summer

Four Seasons book

Four Seasons WH question worksheet

“That will be my first time using these activities.  I’m happy I found already-made materials!”  – Emmy

Holiday Compare-Contrast

Holiday Sequencing 

Sequencing Events and Naming Body Parts

“I love using snowmen.  For the first activity, you can target goals such as sequencing events and body parts. This activity is also an opportunity to talk about the attributes.  For the snowman worksheet, I can target body parts. You can also find objects on the snowman.  This activity is a great opportunity to play I Spy while describing objects or have children describe various objects that they find on the Snowman. Last, I plan on creating a Cottonball Snowman.  I draw 3 circles on a piece of paper (big, bigger, and biggest).  The students practice artic/language targets by gluing snowballs in each circle as a reinforcer.”  – Carolyn

winter speech therapy activities


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