Help families with these Spanish translations for IEP/ARD meetings.

Put your Spanish-speaking families at ease by holding IEP meetings in Spanish and support anyone on your team who is translating for a parent by sharing these resources.

Download this collection of IEP resources to make the IEP process in Spanish easier.

Special Education has a vocabulary of its own. During successful meetings we convey the reason why a child is receiving services and what our future plan is. This is difficult enough in English let alone translating Special Ed. lingo into understandable terms and then into Spanish.

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Spanish Translations for IEP/ARD Meetings

Building Communication Pyramid and example

IEP (ARD) Assurances English and Spanish

IEP (ARD) Meeting Vocabulary

Spanish IEP Initial Meeting Script

Spanish Wording for Parent Conferences

Special Education Acronyms

Special Education Terms and Definitions in Spanish

Spanish IEP Dismissal Meeting Script

Spanish IEP Annual Meeting Script

A Model IEP Meeting in Spanish

Annual review IEP meetings are tough enough, let alone when they need to be conducted in more than one language with interpreters going between English and Spanish or another language. We wanted to talk about how we use the documents above to not only make an IEP meeting in Spanish more enjoyable, but also to make it so that the teacher and family feel that the student’s needs are being met at the end.

Communication Should Happen Before the Meeting Starts

The best IEP meetings are the ones where everyone arrives already knowing what is going to happen and they are in agreement with the outcome. Call the parent with a interpreter to let them know what is going to happen. Communicate this to the teacher too. The best situation is when you can explain it to the teacher who then translates it to the parent. The IEP meeting notice in Spanish is a great idea but won’t get you to the point where a parent knows what the meeting is about.

IEP Meeting Introductory Statements in Spanish

There are certain things that absolutely have to happen in an IEP meeting such as introductions to state who is present, the reason for the meeting, and what you are going to talk about. You will be the most nervous at the beginning of a meeting, so it is a great idea to have an English – Spanish mock IEP meeting script. That way, even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can follow along and know that the needed portions are still in your meeting.

Assurance Statements in Spanish

The same thing goes for the end of the meeting. The assurances, determination of disability, and summary are all needed parts of your meeting. And we have all been so excited we made it through an IEP meeting in Spanish that we forgot to get signatures! Don’t forget those!

IEP Meeting Terms in Spanish

Special education vocabulary is really special, isn’t it? There are rare circumstances in life that you would use the terms that we use on a daily basis. This goes double for translating them into Spanish. So use the vocabulary we have listed above and share those words with anyone present who is bilingual or interpreting.  Even native speakers of Spanish may not know a lot of the special education terminology. And lastly,

How Do You Say IEP Meeting in Spanish?

This one makes me laugh because it needs a double translation. I say double because many SLPs use “IEP” in English while forgetting to translate the acronym. This leads to many of us bilingual SLPs who are in a hurry translating “IEP meetings” to “reuniones de IEP.”

Don’t forget that very few people know what IEP stands for.

IEP translated to Spanish is actually “plan de educación individual.”

Every school day we successfully hold and attend meetings for diverse students. Don’t go it alone! Get the support you need to truly be great.

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