Welcome back to our series on report writing.  Today, we are going to talk about incorporating information about dynamic assessment procedures in your report.  If you are new to the Report Writing Tip series, check out our first post in the series on setting up a report template and work your way through the series.

We’ve talked about quick ways to implement dynamic assessment into the overall assessment process. We use the Dynamic Assessment Protocol Form to create quick teaching sessions on different topics.  Then we SAVE those for the next time we need to do a dynamic assessment of that particular skill or language feature.  Now let’s talk about writing up the dynamic assessment portion.  It’s a short paragraph packed with valuable information.

Here’s what it includes:

  • What was the element of language you focused on (e.g., plurals, past tense verbs) in your dynamic assessment?
  • A BRIEF description of what the teaching session looked like and what levels of support were included.
  • The amount of change–how the student performed pre- and post- teaching.
  • What that change means (e.g., make task easier, positive indicator that intervention will be beneficial, no intervention needed).

And that’s it. Here are a few examples I pulled from my reports.

And here are two examples of students whose dynamic assessment sessions indicated intervention was not warranted.

Dynamic Assessment Example

Dynamic Assessment example

Next up:  Pre-written goals

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