We have at our fingertips a cheap-if-not-free way to get immediate non-standardized information on each of the main areas of communication. One activity results in an intelligibility rating, a fluency count, a demonstration of narrative abilities, and a way to probe...
Expert Advice on Language Sampling – 3 Videos, 9 minutes
We have at our fingertips a cheap-if-not-free way to get immediate non-standardized information on each of the main areas of communication. One activity results in an intelligibility rating, a fluency count, a demonstration of narrative abilities, and a way to probe...
Confidently Assess AAC and AT with the Communication Matrix
Few evaluations can feel more daunting than assessing a child who is not speaking and may be in...
How do I determine which language to test in? There’s a better question.
Two readers recently reached out to me to ask about how to determine which language to use with...
International Speech Developmental Norms – 3 Questions, 3 Expert Answers, 60 Seconds Or Less
Some recent research that was shared in our conference on speech sound disorders absolutely blew...
Addressing Articulation and Phonology Concerns in Bilingual Children – 4 Questions, 4 Expert Answers, 60 Seconds Or Less
Our recent conference on speech sound disorders united some of the greatest current thinking...
4 Questions about Equity in Testing and Avoiding Misdiagnosis, 4 Expert Answers, 60 Seconds Or Less
We are wrapping up our conference on speech sound disorders and the conversations and insights...
How to Ditch Standardized Scores for Some Evaluations and Be Okay with It
There are certain testing situations where we cannot use the scores from the beautiful tests that...