Trying to use measures of language proficiency levels to figure out how bilingual a child is can be really problematic. Worse yet, it has some pretty huge implications for our speech evaluations or targets we choose in therapy. If we confidently know how much a child...
Why Most Information on Language Proficiency Levels Has Been Untrustworthy (Until Now)
Trying to use measures of language proficiency levels to figure out how bilingual a child is can be really problematic. Worse yet, it has some pretty huge implications for our speech evaluations or targets we choose in therapy. If we confidently know how much a child...
4 Important Considerations Conducting Bilingual Language Evaluations
What do we have to think about when we are conducting bilingual language evaluations to determine...
Belizean Kriol and Other Languages of Belize
Those of you who have read my blog posts over the years know that I love learning the ins and outs...
7 Tough Evaluation Questions – 7 60-Second Expert Answers
We have had so many incredible conversations with three of this field's experts on evaluations. 60...
Karen Speech Sounds and Linguistic Features spoken in Myanmar (Burma)
One challenge that Speech-Language Pathologists face when asked to conduct a speech-language...
10 Questions about Equity and Diversity, 10 Expert Answers, in 60 Seconds Or Less
We have had incredible conversations with the speakers for our Diversity Conference on changes in...
Should parents speak the home language to their child if he has an impairment?
Confusion continues over the question of whether a bilingual child with an impairment should...