We did something new, and, man, was it impactful! Bilinguistics has been offering ASHA CEUs with a focus on cultural and linguistic diversity for over 20 years now. We’ve offered live courses at conventions, in school districts, and at education service centers. We’ve...
The New CEU for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity – International Speech Therapy Trips
We did something new, and, man, was it impactful! Bilinguistics has been offering ASHA CEUs with a focus on cultural and linguistic diversity for over 20 years now. We’ve offered live courses at conventions, in school districts, and at education service centers. We’ve...
Can a speech impairment occur in only 1 language of a bilingual person?
Can a child demonstrate a speech impairment in one language but not the other? My immediate...
7 Tough Questions (and Answers!) from a New Bilingual SLP
As our demographics change, the need for bilingual SLPs is evident. What does it look like to be...
Articulation Norms for Spanish and English
On the average week, we get contacted for articulation norms in Spanish and English more than any...
The Monolingual Bilingual SLP
I’m a bilingual SLP, but when it comes to evaluating students who speak Kenyarwanda, Pashto, Tosk,...
Parent Involvement in Speech Therapy
As speech-language pathologists, we know that parent involvement helps students make better gains...
DOD: Understand Your English Language Learners
We did it! After years and years of gathering information about different languages in the course...