The word "landmark" is an Olde English word originally used to describe the expansion of the boundaries of a kingdom. Nowadays, this word is typically reserved to describe changes in legislation which will have a massive impact on our lives. I think it's fair to use...
A Summary of Current Speech Acquisition Data Across 27 Languages
The word "landmark" is an Olde English word originally used to describe the expansion of the boundaries of a kingdom. Nowadays, this word is typically reserved to describe changes in legislation which will have a massive impact on our lives. I think it's fair to use...
Here’s how to gather a Bilingual Speech and Language Evaluation Sample
This article contains the step-by-step process you can follow just like I did when you need a...
Difference or Disorder? Speech Development in English Language Learners
Diagnosing speech impairment in English language learners is one of the biggest challenges...
Bilingual Student: Qualify for Speech Therapy?
In our last post, we introduced you to a case study. The SLP wanted to know if the bilingual...
Does My Bilingual Student Qualify? – Part 1
We field a lot of questions about whether or not a student will qualify for speech therapy....
Successfully Working with English Language Learners
At the end of April I shared my dream graph about SLPs working with English Language Learners to...
Phonological Processes – English & Spanish Differences
There are 4 things that we need to know about treating and diagnosing phonological processes in...