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Featured Recipes

Why Most Information on Language Proficiency Levels Has Been Untrustworthy (Until Now)

Trying to use measures of language proficiency levels to figure out how bilingual a child is can...

Defining the Term Culturally Responsive in Concrete Terms and Actions: 3 Videos – 7 Minutes

Speech language pathologists are being asked to hone their skills in providing culturally...

Expert Advice for Collaborating with Educational Professionals: 4 Videos – 7 1/2 Minutes

The complexity of working with students from diverse backgrounds with diverse language learning...

Dr. Barry Prizant shares tips for working with neurodiverse students–4 clips and 6 minutes that you do not want to miss.

When it comes to understanding how autism has evolved over the past half century, there are few...

Expert Advice on Successful AAC Implementation in the Schools – 3 Videos, 7 minutes

Have you ever worked with a student who uses an AAC device and felt like the system they were...

The Overconfidence Effect – Misperceptions About Amount of SLP Work and How Long it Takes

How many of you have completely misjudged the amount of time it will take to finish something such...

Veteran SLP Author and Researcher Offering Advice on Working with Interpreters: 9 Minutes – 4 Videos

Henriette W. Langdon, Ed.D., H-CCC-SLP, BCS-CL wrote the book on how SLPs can effectively and...

Deciphering the Conjunction Fallacy – Overlap or Isolation of Disorders?

How often have we sat in meetings with other professionals such as OTs, PTs, reading specialists,...

Understanding Availability Bias: Challenging Perceptions During Evaluations

I think that many speech language pathologists have had the experience where you are around your...

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