Music for Speech Therapy

Don’t miss out on one of the most energetic and motivating ways to get children to participate in your sessions. Using music in speech therapy, you can improve sounds, assess receptive language and comprehension, as well as elicit more expressive language.

Using Music in Speech Therapy is This Easy:

  1. Pre-teach skills/vocabulary
  2. Sing the song
  3. Follow-up with post activities, such as questions

A few challenges to note when working with delayed communication:

  • The melody can often times be too quick to follow.
  • Pause frequently during the song to allow children to respond/participate in a manner similar to a cloze procedure.  This will enable children to actively learn new vocabulary as well as the meaning behind the lyrics of the song.

Best Music for Speech Therapy for Preschoolers

We spend a lot of time working in early childhood centers and classrooms for young children and the teachers there have the best music! Here we have gathered some of the best speech therapy songs for preschoolers.

As fun as using music in speech therapy is, we have a better chance of meeting our goals if we are using interactive songs for speech therapy. That’s why we have organized everything that we have found by curriculum topics and provided links for you to download it yourself.

Downloadable materials that can be used before, during, and after some of the songs. Some of the printable materials are labeled based on goals that can be targeted, but keep in mind that all activities can be modified to target any number of speech and language goals.

Family / Familia
Five senses/ Los cinco sentidos

Interactive Songs for Speech Therapy

These interactive songs for speech therapy rely on the senses.

English Song Spanish Song Printables
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies
I am a Pizza Soy Una Pizza
The Vowels Las Vocales
Vamos a Cantar
Pedro el Conejito
Food / Comida
Growing things / En el jardin
English Song Spanish Song Printables
The planting song    
Oats, peas, beans and barley grow    
  Las verduras  
  Las frutas  
Insects / Insectos
English Song Spanish Song Printables
The Itsy Bitsy Spider La arañita pequeñita  
Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me    
  Una abeja  
  La cucaracha  
Places we go / Lugares que visitamos
English Song Spanish Song Printables
This land is your land Esta es mi tierra  
We’re going on a bear hunt    
  Me gusta viajar  
  Vamos a la mar  
School / Escuela

These are some of the best speech therapy songs having to do with the school environment.

English Song Spanish Song Printables
Wheels on the Bus Las Ruedas del Camion Semantic Relationships
Alphabet Alfabeto en español Initial Consonants-Eng Initial Consonants-Sp
Days of the Week Dias de la semana  
Seasons and weather / Las estaciones y el tiempo
Tools we use/ Herramientas que usamos
English Song Spanish Song Printables
I am a Pizza Soy Una Pizza
Vamos a Cantar
Travel and transportation / Viajar y transporte
music for speech therapy

Best Song Lyrics for Speech Therapy Graduation

Speech therapists are a creative bunch and these are some of the best song lyrics for speech therapy graduation that we have come up with.

We’re graduating from speech therapy,

Our words are now as clear as can be,

We’ve come so far, we’ve made it through,

Thanks to our parents and teachers too.

We’ll keep on speaking with confidence and pride,

Our words no longer hidden, but out in the open wide,

We’re grateful for the journey we’ve been through,

And we’ll keep on growing, with our speech anew.

We Practiced Every Sound From A To Z

These song lyrics go to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”

We practiced every sound from A to Z

We played every game like hide and seek

But now we’re graduating

‘Cuz the Teacher’s always saying

That we’re speaking better than we use to be

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