Looking for communication disorder resources for parents and professionals?  You are in the right place!

Today, we know a lot about specific disorders. We also know a lot about communication.

What is lacking is information on how specific disorders affect communication. The resources below can set the families at ease and help explain often unfamiliar terms to colleagues so they can help advocate for the children..

1.  Click on any of the communication disorder resources below

Find resources for parents, definitions, and evaluation and therapy considerations. Each communication disorder resource can be viewed online or downloaded as a pdf. If you want them all together, we published an e-book with all the disorders together for you to easily access print, and share.

Communication Disorder Resources Ebook

2.  Find

  • Definitions
  • Descriptions
  • Characteristics
  • Causes
  • Implications for treatment
  • Links to support groups and resources

3. Share the benefits of intervention and introduce your parents to the process of speech therapy

Learning that your child has an impairment is a very stressful event. Provide your parents and teachers with the information they need to understand more about the disorder, find links to get even more information, and understand how a child’s communication may be affected.  

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) Speech Implications and Resources

Aphasia Causes, Characteristics, and Resources

Apraxia (Childhood) Causes, Characteristics, and Resources

Articulation and Phonological Disorders Causes, Characteristics, and Resources

Asperger Syndrome Speech Implications and Resources

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Speech Implications and Resources

Auditory Processing Disorder Causes, Characteristics, and Resources

Autism Speech Implications and Resources

Cerebral Palsy

Cleft Lip/Palate Speech Implications and Resource

Cluttering Characteristics, and Resources

DiGeorge Syndrome Characteristics, Speech Implications, and Treatment Options

Down Syndrome Speech Implications and Resources

Dyslexia Speech Implications and Resources

Epilepsy Speech Implications and Resources

Expressive Language Disorder Causes, Characteristics, and Resources

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Speech Implications, Treatment Options, and Resources

Intellectual Disability Speech Implications and Resources

Prematurity Speech Implications and Resources

Receptive Language Disorder Causes, Treatment Options, and Resources

Selective Mutism Treatment Options and Resources

Sensory Processing Disorder Speech Implications and Resources

Specific Language Impairment Causes and Characteristics

Stuttering/Disfluency Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment Options, and Resources

The Challenges Parents and Professionals Face When They Don’t have Communication Disorder Resources

Communication is a vital aspect of life, and when a child struggles with it, it can be a source of stress and frustration for both the child and the parents. Parents may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to help their child communicate effectively. They may struggle to find resources that can support them in this process, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.

Teachers also face challenges when they have a student with a communication disorder. Teachers are responsible for helping their students learn and grow, and communication is a critical part of that process. When a student has a communication disorder, it can be challenging for teachers to understand their needs and provide the support they require. Additionally, teachers may not fully understand why a child is struggling because they have not been given any communication disorder resources to explain what is going on and show how to help.

Finally, special education professionals also face challenges when it comes to finding communication disorder resources to share with parents and teachers. Special education professionals are experts in supporting students with special needs, but they may not have access to parent-friendly versions of the latest research and best practices for supporting students with communication disorders. This can make it challenging for them to provide the most up-to-date and effective resources to parents and teachers.

This is where the links above come in!

These resources can help parents understand their child’s communication disorder and provide them with the tools they need to support their child at home. For teachers, communication disorder resources can provide strategies and techniques for supporting students in the classroom. Special education professionals can also benefit from these resources, as they can use them to stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices for supporting students with communication disorders.


Additional Great Communication Disorder Resources:

Birth Injury Center: A website dedicated to promoting awareness of common birth injuries and their causes.

Birth Injury Information: A to Z from TheCPLawyer.com

Educational Resources for Special Needs

Estate Planning for Parents of Special Needs Kids

Loss of Speech and Social Security Disability

Speech Disorder Resources for College Students


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