Are you kidding me!  It’s fall? Quick tips for planning for speech therapy

Planning for Speech Therapy

When I pack up my stuff each May I write notes to myself in the third person telling myself what to do in the fall.  It has become a routine that makes me laugh hysterically because May is typically so crazy that I don’t remember writing it.  “This is your password.”   “Your therapy planning binder is in your desk.”  Basically, I have become my mother.

How to make planning for speech therapy easy.

We routinely have speech pathology grad students and CFs who work with us and need to know what to be planning for speech therapy before the kids arrive.  What grad school didn’t tell them is that the first few weeks of school are pretty crazy and you have to find your students pretty quickly and get them up and running.  Here are four quick steps to rapidly plan some therapy so that you can get to know your kids while still focusing on the curriculum and addressing their goals.

Find out what topic is being focused on each week

Planning for Speech Therapy

Aligning intervention themes with classroom topics increases exposure and use of vocabulary.  It also provides a framework in which students can practice their new language skills.  Identifying the current academic topic (e.g. oceans) dramatically reduces speech therapy planning because the teachers tend to have materials and books ready for us to copy from and use.

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Planning for Speech Therapy

Go to the library and check out books on the topic

Planning for Speech Therapy

Using books to highlight a topic can empower students by giving them experience with the topic prior to practicing the skills that you are hoping for them to gain.  Gather both fiction and non-fiction books about the theme/topic.  Books provide vast numbers of pictures,  references, and situations.

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Planning for Speech Therapy

Copy an activity page for each student

Planning for Speech Therapy

Either Google the TOPIC + WORKSHEET or borrow something from the classroom teacher.  Adapt the vocabulary or questions to the student’s goals.  Communication growth is stimulated by carryover into the  classroom, reviewing of vocabulary, and shared participation by a student’s teacher and parents.

8 minutes

Planning for Speech Therapy

Cut/color/copy materials needed for each session

Planning for Speech Therapy

While planning for speech therapy at this time of the year, make sure your sessions are designed for fast assembly and  distribution.  Gather the materials needed and make the minimal preparations.  Better yet, have your students gather and prepare their own materials and bolster their receptive communication by following directions!

10 minutes

Planning for Speech Therapy

Curriculum-based Speech Therapy Activities
Literacy-Based Speech and Language Therapy Activities

Content for this essay adapted from Literacy-Based Speech and Language Activities and Curriculum-based Speech Therapy Activities. Use them to learn how to effectively organize your therapy so that your therapy materials go a long way.

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