When speech language pathologists are tasked with evaluating bilingual students, language proficiency information usually shows up in our referral packets. Maybe a Woodcock-Munoz was administered and we get a score of a two in one language and a three in another language. Well, what does that information mean? We invited Dr. Pedro Oliveira to come and talk to us about what those scores mean, how they’re derived and how we use that information in an assessment.

We captured highlights of that conversation in these four short videos. Dr. Olvera packs a lot of answers into just a few minutes. Check out his responses and then click below to watch his full presentation and earn ASHA CEUs.

How do psychologists use language proficiency results in their practice?

What is the overall purpose of language proficiency testing?

What can happen if an SLP is prohibited to test a bilingual child in both languages?

What are concrete ways we can adjust standardized testing prompts to get accurate results when testing bilingual students?

Assessing Language Proficiency: Beyond Dominance to Score Interpretation

Hear the full story and earn ASHA CEUs!

Language Exposure & Use Calculator

Trying to determine how much a child uses or hears a second language used to be difficult to calculate but not anymore! We built a calculator with forms to share with parents and teachers to make this easy for educators. Watch this and then bookmark this page; Language Exposure & Use Calculator.

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