Clinical supervision for speech language pathology can be one of the most rewarding experiences in our careers. It’s an opportunity to share a lifetime of knowledge and give back to a field.

Here are the right tools and documents to make the process as seamless and efficient as possible while meeting the ASHA supervision requirements. And at the same time let’s keep it fun and enjoyable!

Clinical Supervision Forms for Speech and Language Therapy

ASHA Code of Ethics

ASHA Cultural Competence Checklist Personal Reflection

ASHA Self-Assessment of Competencies in Supervision

Introduction, Orientation, and Supervision Checklists

Weekly Therapy Schedule in Excel

Caseload, Evaluations, and Attendance Tracker in Excel

Supervisor Observation and Activity Tracking Sheet

models of supervision in speech therapy

A Tour of Our Clinical Supervision Resources

We love clinical supervision for so many reasons. There are the benefits to interacting with a new professional and getting assistance with your caseload that we highlight in: 4 Things Every Speech Therapy Supervisor Should Focus on to Grow an Incredible Professional.

But more than that, it is just so refreshing to interact with someone new to the field, who is fired up, full of energy, and seeing our field through new eyes. It really keeps you young!

We can say this because we have gotten to a place where the additional paperwork and management are not much of a burden because we have standardized the way we interact with SLPAs, CFs, and students. Often, the supervisee can be incredible nervous and for good reason. The requirements in different areas and number of hours they need to gain can be daunting. Along the way, there is so much that they need to record to meet their requirements and so much they need to learn to do the job well.

That’s why we’ve created speech therapy supervision templates, forms, and rubrics to better manage the semester placement. Here’s a list of what you need and why it’s important. Click above to download what is useful to you. And by all means, if you have created something fantastic, please Contact Us and share it so that others can benefit from your knowledge. We will be happy to add it to this resource page.

Speech Therapy Supervision Forms

Speech therapy supervision forms help us gather the information they need to make sure that they are meeting their requirements while working under you. It also helps remind us how much time we need to be spending with them and what experiences we need to be providing them.

The best speech therapy supervision forms capture data on a daily or weekly basis. After a few weeks, it becomes incredibly difficult to accurately remember how much time you spent with the supervisee, let alone what you did in that session or which child you worked with.

Speech Therapy Supervision Templates

By creating speech therapy supervision templates, you really start to leverage the power of supervision. The first time you supervise, there is a lot to learn on your part, not just by the students. The second and third time that you are a CF supervisor is completely different and a lot less work! That is, if you have a system in place for what information you need to collect for your mentee with the timeframes and requirements.  You just need to create your own speech therapy supervision templates or download any of the templates above to streamline the process. These can be templates for different types of therapy, steps in an evaluation process, or procedures for holding a meeting. Anything that you teach that requires steps should be documented and turned into a reproducible template.

Speech Therapy Rubric for Clinical Supervision

ASHA has been really great at creating different speech therapy rubrics for clinical supervision. What are nice about them is that they display in a single view, the variety of experiences that a CF or SLPA should get at any site. They also serve as a nice top-level summary of everything that we do in our field.

Speech Therapy Supervision FAQ

What are the supervision requirements for overseeing a student, SLPA, or CF for speech pathology?

The supervisor requirements for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology include:

  • Holding a current ASHA certification (CCC-A or CCC-SLP).
  • Having completed a minimum of nine months of practice experience post-certification.
  • Having earned at least two hours of professional development post-certification (one-time requirement) in the area of supervision and/or clinical instruction.

A professional can check their status on the ASHA website.

Note that while the standards and requirements for the supervisor are largely the same, the requirements and the experience of who is being supervised are different. Clinical Fellowship Year – CFY supervision requirements include all tasks normally associated with the responsibilities of a speech language pathologist such as evaluations and intervention.

SLPA supervision requirements focus primarily on intervention and caseload management as an SLPA does not conduct evaluations.

Which speech therapy supervision courses meet the 2-hour requirements for supervising?

There are now many speech therapy supervision courses available for speech language pathologists looking to supervise. With this increase in the number of CEU courses also comes a wide variety. There are courses produced by professors and clinical leads, as well as speech pathologists working in variety of settings.

It’s important to make sure the speech therapy ceu courses for supervision that you are looking for match your setting so that the content is applicable to you. For example, we work in the clinic and school settings with really diverse students.  We created a course with all the documentation and steps needed for a successful experience in those settings.

Do certain states require specific courses to earn speech therapy supervision ceus?

State requirements for continuing education can vary. For example, some states like California are currently requiring that a portion of earned continuing education be live or in-person as well as recorded. However, all states currently recognize all ASHA CEU courses for supervision as long as the 2-hour requirements are met. So as an example, speech therapy supervision courses from or for California could be taken by any licensed SLP, and vice versa.

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