Working Story Sequencing into your Day
Once upon a time, in a school district not so far away, a sharp, efficient, and effective Speech-Language Pathologist (insert your name here) worked magic with a caseload of students, many of whom had sequencing pictures or short stories as their goals. During her many walks (that she made productive!) to pick up her students for therapy, she sometimes pondered how she could better help them with these commonly occurring goals, which would foster the development of her students’ narrative skills.
During the course of that school year, she compiled a list of internet resources, books, and apps that both she and her students enjoyed. She also found the video below that you can show your students to help them learn about story sequencing. With these resources, she hopes to ultimately help your students to tell a short story such as this one. Story sequencing
Websites for Story Sequencing:
DLTK Kids Sequencing This website has many story sequencing activities by arranging cards in the correct order. Kizoa photo creativity This is a DIY website where you can create and personalize slideshows, videos, and collages with your students. It has also been created as an app! Transition words and phrases This site contains words and phrases to help children tell stories. Popular stories Explore this blog post with popular stories to use in sequencing activities. Quia sequencing fun Read steps for completing various routine tasks and sequence them by assigning a number to each step. Sequence 5-10 step tasks correctly to reveal a hidden picture.
Worksheets for Story Sequencing:
Story map templates/graphic organizers.
Read a story and put the events in order.
Sequencing worksheets at varying levels of difficulty.
A variety of sequence cards/worksheets.