What if I still have to do a selective mutism evaluation?

Many others have covered this topic well and we would like to send you in their direction:

The Selective Mutism Center

The Selective Mutism Group

Selective Mutism by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association[hr]

In this post we are going to cut to the chase and provide you with text samples to write your selective mutism evaluation.  Us it today or bookmark it for that inevitable day in the future.

Selective Mutism Evaluation Text

Language Evaluations:
John Doe’s language skills were evaluated by attempting formal measures and using informal measures.

Language Sample Results:
A language sample was created by John Doe’s parents as they tape recorded daily events in the house over a two week period. The transcribed piece comprises approximately 35 minutes of interactions. John Doe was recorded doing homework with his mother, playing with his younger sister, and playing with his father and mother. This sample provided a wide variety of formal and informal conversation in two-way(didactic) and three-way (triadic) conversations. The language sample is attached as an addendum to this report.

Joint turn taking:
The entire language sample was made up of 213 utterances across 4 settings. John Doe’s utterances totaled 103 of the interactions (Sister = 3, Mother = 77, Father = 29). This indicates an almost even exchange between John Doe and his conversational partners. His ability to interact with different conversational partners is within normal limits.

Expressive Language:
John Doe employed utterances of one –sixteen words which is well within the normal range for his age. He counted (Creo que es 2, 9, 8), he used quantity words (muchos señores), he gave directions (No los tires tú), he asked questions (¿Qué hago?), he described things by attributes ( blanco), name (margarita), and by part of a whole (los pétalos y el tallo). John Doe used names (papi), possessives (tu X), and redirected (Ya sé lo que necesito, la X).

John Doe’s language sample was also complex with regards to syntax. He used the present (Ya sé lo que necesito, la X), the past preterite (Se cayeron todos los soldados), past imperfect (El le ayudaba a batman porque es su novia), and commands (Ten, Vámanos). John Doe’s language sample presents language development that is within normal limits for his age.

Receptive Language:
John Doe’s receptive language abilities were assessed using the language sample and informal use of receptive language portions of the CELF. The information from the CELF could not be standardized because John Doe was given more time to answer each question and shook his head “no” when he didn’t want to answer a question. The data from each section was assessed without using standard scores.

On the Concepts and Following Directions portion, John Doe followed simple directions with one directive (Show me the car that is within a circle). He identified objects by positon (above, last) and negatives (…that is not a car or a house). He also identified objects by color, size, and similarities. John Doe had difficulty when the directions became longer, when they required the order of a direction to be reversed (before you show me the X show me the Y), and when they involved numbers.

On the Word Class portion of the test, John Doe identified two objects (from a field of 3 or 4) that were similar in some way in 19/26 opportunities. He identified objects that were in the same class (Crayon, pen), that were part of a whole (cat, whiskers), that were related (hoop, basketball). While John Doe had some errors, he completed all tasks that required different types of knowledge for grouping and describing.

On the Sentence Structure portion of the test, John Doe correctly answered 20/31 questions. He identified pictures from a field of four based on verb use (the boy that is writing), descriptiveness (white and spotted), past action (scraped his knee), current action (… that is going), and preference (those that like cookies). He had difficulty identifying when two objects/actors were doing different things (she was climbing, he was swinging), future action (…going to help), and difference based on preposition (to/from the store).

In the language sample, John Doe answered questions appropriately. Responded to one to three conversational partners and did not need repetition of phrases or questions before responding. In a game playing activity, John Doe followed rules and directions and initiated his turn and conversational turn.

John Doe’s receptive language was assessed using data from formal testing, informal testing, and language sampling. A correct description of his receptive abilities were difficult to obtain because John Doe’s delayed start time, inconsistent answers, and hesitancy could be attributed to receptive language difficulties or relate to his difficulty initiating. John Doe demonstrated an understanding of questions and substantial knowledge of linguistic concepts. He was not age appropriate in his ability to follow commands that were more than one step. This is affecting his academic performance and ability to function in the classroom. John Doe’s demonstrates receptive language skills that are below what would be expected for his age. However, his receptive language abilities should be re-examined as his socio-emotional skills progress.

Language Summary:
John Doe presents with expressive language abilities that are within normal limits for his age. His receptive language skills are delayed in his ability to follow grade/age appropriate directions and instructions. The data presented in the informal testing, therapy sessions, and language sample collectively demonstrate that John Doe possesses many language strengths. He independently employees his language abilities in situations in which he feels comfortable. John Doe should continue to receive services to address receptive language needs and should be retested as his socio-emotional skills progress.

Resources on Selective Mutism

Check out our last post: Selective Mutism Classroom Action Plan – 6 Great Ideas

Our Page:  Selective Mutism Disorder, Description, and Characteristics

And this great resource: Anxiety.org

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