Next in our series of Predictable Books for Speech Therapy: Repetition of Phrase!

Books for speech therapy

A Phrase Repetition Story is a story in which the word order in a phrase or sentence is repeated. (Example: Bear on a Bike/Oso en Bicicleta, Goodnight Moon/Buenas Noches Luna).

Repetition of Phrase stories are great books for speech therapy because:

  • The repetition of wording from the story allows young readers to participate and/or chant along with the story, further engaging them in the chain of events
  • Are especially conducive to teaching inferencing and prediction-making skills for children before they can read on their own
  • Children can anticipate what’s coming next, which develops increased confidence in establishing basic reading skills
  • The repetition built into the story can easily provide numerous opportunities for exposing children to new syntactical rules
  • Often can be great books for re-reading, as they include a sequence and vocabulary children can anticipate
  • The repeated phrases can be very helpful in practicing a targeted speech sound or phonological process
  • Familiarity and predictability guide children to develop increased understanding and comprehension of material, which is why children will often beg us to re-read a book or continue with a familiar series – great for building vocabulary and helps us support academic skills at the same time!

How to use Repetition of Phrase Stories in Speech Therapy

Bear on a Bike/Oso en Bicicleta:

Communication AreaGoal
ArticulationBilabials /b/ and /p/, velars /k/ and /g/, final /r/, /ng/ in present progressive action words (i.e., ‘swimming’, ‘riding’). Spanish: Medial and final /s/, consonant clusters with /r/ and /l/, medial /d/ in present progressive forms (i.e., ‘nadando’, ‘montando’)
SyntaxPresent progressive formsFuture tense3-5 word utterances
 SemanticsTransportation vocabulary (car, boat, plane, etc.)Categories (fruit, animals, places)Action words
Wh- questionsWhat, who, where, when questions

One of our favorite Repetition of Phrase books for speech therapy: Bear on a Bike/Oso en Bicicleta

This is one part of a series of beautifully illustrated and written books that revolve around a bear’s journeys around and outside of his town. This particular book fits neatly into the Repetition of Phrase category, and also is wonderful for targeting many basic concepts and vocabulary. Bear on a Bike contrasts travel by land, water and air, which lends itself to creating a set of activities that help children compare and categorize means of transportation. The context of transportation can easily facilitate working on a wide range of speech and language goals.

Use a transportation categories worksheet as a pre-reading activity to gather information about student familiarity with vocabulary and teach relevant terms:

Category Picture Find

Create a post-story articulation bingo activity with vocabulary from the story

Bear Bingo

Finally, have children use a template to make a personalized book to review and present, practicing their speech sounds and new knowledge:

These are just some ideas that scratch the surface; we can create other activities to support and enhance children’s understanding of the material and reinforce our goals using other categorization, sequencing, and discussion activities – the sky is the limit! 

Great Books for Speech Therapy that use Repetition of Phrase Stories

Below, you will also find a list of some of our other favorite Repetition of Phrase Stories. Some can only be found in English at this time, but are books that we commonly translate into Spanish and have basic enough vocabulary that it is easy to do on the fly. We have also included direct links to purchase your favorites through Amazon.  We would love to hear from you on how YOU use these books in therapy!

English Spanish Description of Story
Goodnight Moon
Goodnight Moon
Buenas Noches Luna
bueanas noches luna
Plot: A classic bedtime story with goodnight wishes from a sleepy rabbit. Why we like it: A soothing story for bedtime or a classroom routine (before naptime story), excellent for labeling and describing, increasing vocabulary and targeting 2-3 word phrases.
Do You Want to Be My Friend?do you want to be my friend No Spanish version available. Plot: A little mouse meets many animals while bravely looking for a friend. Why we like it: A simple story with not much text, this is a nice book for teaching retell and predicting skills.
Is Your Mama a Llama?is your mama a llama Tu mama es una llama?tu mama es una llama Plot: Six baby animals help a baby llama find his mother. Why we like it: Repetitive, Q&A, Rhyming, this short story is good for presenting second person, working on sounds and phonological skills and developing prediction skills.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?brown bear Oso pardo, oso pardo, que ves ahi?
oso pardo
Plot: Successive animals ‘pose’ questions asking the reader to turn the page and see which animal is next. Why I like it: Repetitive and rhythmic, this book for early readers is great for simple labeling, nouns, adjectives and colors, along with targeting 2-4 word combinations (I see…a horse/Yo veo…un caballo).
Bear On a BikeBear on a Bike Oso En Bicicletaoso en bicicleta Plot: A bear, a boy and a dog travel many lands, looking for adventure. Why we like it: A wonderful book for Pre-k and Kinder aged kids to introduce categories (transportation, places, foods), sequence and time concepts, and plenty of articulation targets (/r/ clusters, /s/ in all positions).
I Went Walkingi went walking Sali de paseosali de paseo Plot: A little boy goes for a walk and greets a series of animals on the way. Why we like it: Repetitive, cumulative:  I took a walk, and this is what I saw. Great for First person, past tense, animals, simple sentence structure.
Jump, Frog, Jump!jump frog jump Salta Ranita, Salta!salta ranita salta Plot: A traveling frog evades his prey hopping from page to page. Why we like it: Repetitive, Cumulative story to use for articulation and phonological processes (English: /r/ clusters, Spanish initial /rr/ and /s/.
Mortimermortimer Mortimer – espanolmortimer spanish Plot: The story of a little boy who won’t go to sleep at night and keeps his family up.Why we like it: A repetitive format that kindergarten aged students will enjoy – great book to get children chanting and singing, could be used for a student with fluency and/or phonological impairments.
No, Titus, No!no no titus No, Tito, No!no tito no Plot: A fox and other animals help a dog understand his role on the farm.
Why we like it: Helpful for teaching young children their role at home, great for working on labeling, describing actions, and teaching pragmatics skills.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Los Tres Chivitos
los tres chivitos
Plot: A lovely version of the classic tale of the three billy goats who have to evade a troll to cross a bridge.
Why we like it: This book is appropriate for students from Kinder to 2nd grade, and can easily be adapted based on what the children are working on, good for comparing/contrasting, describing shapes and sizes, /r/ clusters in Spanish and /g/ and /th/ in English

If you want to find more great books, please visit our Best Books for Speech Therapy page!

Content adapted from:

Literacy-Based Speech and Language Therapy Activities
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