One of the best ways to increase a child’s participation (without relying on his or her ability to demonstrate reading fluency and comprehension), is to select a book that has repetition and predictability. Predictable books have been a hot topic with educators, librarians, and literacy coaches for many years, and for good reasons.
Note that predictable books are more easy to distinguish with books for young children as older stories often include a variety of these elements.
Types of Predictable Books
There are eight different types of predictable books. We can use these eight groups to categorize the books we read and get a better understanding of what each book has to offer. These predictable categories enable us to better define WHY our favorite books are successful, thus helping identify new titles for future sessions. Click on the story type below to jump to an explanation and examples in English and Spanish. Find them in your library or clicking on the image will take you to
Story Type |
English |
Spanish |
1. |
Chain or Circular StoryThe plot is interlinked so that the ending leads back to the beginning. |
Where the Wild Things Are
Donde viven los monstruos
2. |
Cumulative StoryEach time a new event occurs, all previous person, places, things, and events in the story are repeated. |
The Gingerbread Man
El hombre de pan de jengibre
3. |
Familiar SequenceOrganized by a recognizable theme (days of the week, months of the year, numbers, etc.). |
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
La oruga muy hambrienta
4. |
Pattern StoriesThe scenes or events are repeated with some variation. |
Froggy Gets Dressed
Froggy se viste
5. |
Question and AnswerThe same or similar questions are repeated throughout the story. |
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Oso pardo, Oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahi?
6. |
Repetition of PhraseWord order in a phrase or sentence is repeated. |
Goodnight Moon
Buenas noches, luna
7. |
RhymeRhyming words, refrains, or patterns are used throughout the story. |
I Went Walking
Salí de paseo
8. |
SongbooksFamiliar songs with predictable elements such as repetitive phrases, sentences, rhymes, or refrains. |
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Cinco monitos brincando en la cama
Great Resources for Predictable Books
What style of predictable book is your favorite?
I don’t know about you, but reading this and understanding WHY I love the books that I love makes me REALLY excited! I immediately began to Google “Predictable Books” and found a ton of resources and book list upon book list. Of course, all the book lists were books in English, so I “Googled” “Predictable Books Spanish”…. Crickets.
I found some links, but not anything like the lists of English predictable books. Most of them were books that you can reduplicate and write in words, but not complete narrative structures and definitely nothing that fell into the eight types of Predictable Books. So we decided to create our own! Click below to check it out.
Best Books for Speech Therapy
Searching for Predictable Books
Addtionally, here are some awesome resources on predictable books with English suggestions that you can use with your English-speaking kiddos. Enjoy!
Source |
Pros |
Cons |
Scholastic | This is a site focused on Predictable books.-Search for books by reading level, DRA, grade level equivalent, or Guided Reading level (A-Z-Includes type of Predictable Book-Tells genre of book-Book summaries-Short clip of text from book-Themes/Subjects in the book (cooking, seasons)-Free teaching resources to go along with the book-Includes info about the author | English only-Scholastic has a great bilingual book list, but without all the information as the English books-No definition of types of predictable books |
Kaplan Early Learning Company | Provides a list of bilingual books-Provides the guided reading level | Only 9 books are listed- Does not provide information on the type of book, theme or genre |
Nellie Edge | Provides a list of popular predictable books in English | Does not provide information on the type of book, theme or genre |
Education Oasis | -Provides definition of predictable books-Provides a list of predictable books by type | English only-Does not link to an option to purchase books |
Charlotte Mason Approach with Penny Gardner | Provides a list of predictable books | English only- Does not provide information on the type of book, theme or genre-Includes some links to purchase books through Amazon |
Educational Resource Center | Provides definition of predictable books-Provides a list of books by author, including the type of predictable book | English only-Difficult to navigate unless you know the exact author you are searching for |
Good Reads | Provides a list of predictable books | English only- Does not provide information on the type of book, theme or genre |
>University of Wisconsin Polk Library | Provides a list of books by author, including the type of predictable book-Can get a Google “preview” of the inside of the book-After clicking through a few links, you can eventually get to a place to purchase a copy | English only-Does not include reading level, concepts to target-Books link to the university library only; no option to purchase |
Loudoun County Public Library | Provides a list of predictable books by type | English only- Books link to the library only; no option to purchase |