Some recent research that was shared in our conference on speech sound disorders absolutely blew us away. Dr. Sharynne McLeod walked us through combined speech developmental norms that were collected on over two dozen languages. And do you know what? We all develop pretty similarly with the differences only applying to a few outlying sounds.

This conference’s content dramatically influenced how we diagnose speech sound disorders and it was too good to not share. That’s why we edited down some of the best parts of an interview we conducted with Dr. McLeod and created three short video segments.

1. How does an assessment look different for a monolingual child, bilingual child, or a child who speaks multiple languages?

2. There is a wide range in developmental norms. How do we deal with this in practice?

3. What are your go-to resources for assessing multilingual children?

Want to see the full presentation?

Dr. Sharynne McLeod led just one of four full presentations on speech sound disorders. All of the presentations were recorded and available inside SLP Impact.

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