We sat down to talk with Dr. Kyomi Gregory-Martin, Associate Professor at Pace University, about culture, cultural competence, responsiveness, and cultural capability, the conversation was too good and we had to capture some of the high points to share. Take 3 1/2 minutes to hear about how the impact of culture on testing outcomes.

How do we build cultural humility and cultural competence in SLPs around the US and beyond?

One of the reasons why it’s challenging for clinicians to be able to assess clients that have differing cultural experiences than themselves is because oftentimes our unconscious bias is to score individuals in the same way that we would assess ourselves, and, our expectations of what people should be doing is oftentimes based on our own family experiences. In this video, Dr. Kyomi Gregory-Martin discusses how to include cultural humility in our evaluation process.

Which non-standardized tools can be used to gather better information that reduce over-referral for special education services?

From Dr. Gregory-Martin’s research published in JSLHR about dialect informed probes and strategic scoring, she identifies appropriate ways to test ALL students and reduce over-referral and over-identification. In this video, she talks about tools and probes that were used to get great results.

Are there any standardized tools that you recommend for assessment of AAE speakers?

Short and sweet, hear about how the DELV has been utilized for speakers of African-American English as well as Southern White English, and other dialect variations.

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