The complexity of working with students from diverse backgrounds with diverse language learning needs makes collaboration essential. While we know this, we’ve all experienced challenges when attempting to collaborate with others on a child’s team. Whether it’s due to lack of time to plan and implement, personality conflicts, scheduling conflicts, or territoriality, we need to find ways to collaborate and pool our knowledge and expertise to maximize the successes of our diverse students. 

We invited Dr. Barbara Ehren to talk to us abouthow to collaborate effectively. In her many years of experience in public schools as an SLP, classroom teacher, and district administrator, she has served on numerous committees and editorial boards. She is a frequent consultant to countries, states, school districts, and professional associations. She knows how to effectively bring people together in productive collaborations. 

We captured the highlights from our conversation in these four short videos. Check them out and then join us for the full conversation and earn ASHA CEUs.

What are common barriers to collaboration between education professionals and how do we overcome them?

What are the elements of a true collaboration?

How can professional collaboration be time-saving rather than time-consuming?

What are some of the most common language and literacy targets that work well for collaboration between SLPs and teachers?

Collaboration – A Must for SLPs Working on Language / Literacy with Diverse Learners

Dr. Barbara Ehren emphasizes the importance of collaboration in education, drawing from her extensive experience in teaching, speech-language pathology, administration, and university instruction. She provides practical tips for effective collaboration with educational teams to support students from diverse backgrounds.

Learn from this expert on collaboration and see how it applies to the many settings that SLPs work in: Collaboration – A Must for SLPs Working on Language / Literacy with Diverse Learners

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2025 SLP Study Abroad Info-Session Replay Now Available. Learn about this summer’s trip!
