Speech language pathologists are being asked to hone their skills in providing culturally responsive assessments and effective interventions for our students from diverse backgrounds. Here’s the question, though. Have we been given a clear explanation of what it means to be “culturally responsive” or ideas for how to alter our day-to-day activities to be inclusive of the differences in all the children we serve?

We put these questions to Dr. Linda Rosa-Lugo, a 30+ year SLP, professor, and an ASHA fellow who has been recognized with ASHA’s international achievement and diversity awards. We captured some beautiful explanations in the following three videos. Check them out below and then hear her full explanation and earn ASHA CEUs: In This Together

What does the term “Culturally Response Approach” mean and what are some examples?

What are some strategies to build collaboration among educational teams?

Special Education Gatekeepers: How SLPs can play a role in reducing students who shouldn’t be referred for evaluations.

In This Together: Culturally Responsive Practices for Multilingual Students

Join Dr. Linda Rosa Lugo as she shares some great inclusive support strategies and culturally responsive approaches that can be implemented when you are working with students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

In This Together: Culturally Responsive Practices for Multilingual Students

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