Difference or Disorder Essentials Pack

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $111.99.Current price is: $69.00.


Is it a speech-language difference or disorder? We do workshops across the nation to help speech-language pathologists and other educators answer this question.  Now we are making these workshops available to you in the comfort of your own home or school.  We have combined two of our most powerful workshops with our Difference or Disorder? book, to help you build confidence in your work with diverse learners.  The courses provide a framework for understanding typical patterns in bilingual speech and language development.  We use case studies to show you how to apply the framework.  The book is filled with valuable resources that show how different languages compare to English.  This helps you know what patterns you might expect to see in English language learners from different backgrounds.

This essentials pack includes:

  • Video Course:  Difference or Disorder - Speech Development
  • Video Course:  Difference or Disorder - Language Development
  • Book: Difference or Disorder? Understanding Speech and Language Patterns in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

Together we can serve diverse students well and reduce our caseloads!

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