phonological processes

On the average week, we get contacted for articulation norms in Spanish and English more than any other request. We decided to include our favorite documents in a single post so that they could be easily bookmarked and referenced.

Developmental Articulation Norms for Spanish and English

The following two charts are consolidations of sounds divided by age of acquisition. Note that these sounds have been rated at 90% mastery. We also want to admit that there is a love-hate relationship with these types of charts. The haters point out that development varies so widely, that no child should be held to the standards of a single-sound test, and that they misconstrue “development” because they are a snapshot and do not relate to intelligibility. The lovers find that this is the easiest way to convey information to non-speechies (teachers and parents) and it points us in the right general direction when we are first trying to figure out how big of a problem we have on our hands. We are neutral on their use. An extremely intriguing take-away are that sounds are not acquired in both languages at the same time!

Spanish Articulation Chart

English Articulation Chart

Intelligibility Articulation Norms for Spanish and English

Regardless of home language, there are a few speech milestones that are true of any language.  Here are two charts that we have developed that are a quick reference for early developmental milestones and intelligibility.

articulation norms in Spanish and English

Developmental Articulation Norms for Spanish and English

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