We had the chance to ask Dr. Cate Crowley some of the intriguing back stories of many of the materials she pioneered and has made available on Columbia University’s Leaders Project Website. In just four minutes she talks about language sampling, tons of free resources, and the SLAM materials.

What Are the Most Important Aspects of Analyzing a Language Sample?

You are probably onboard with getting language samples and the importance of using them when testing students that do not match the norms of a standardized test. But how do you analyze the sample that you get? Dr. Crowley explains how to look at a sample through a grammatical lens in this video.

Evidence-based Elicitation and Analysis Using the SLAM Materials.

Do you know the origin story for the SLAM cards (also known as the school age language assessment measures)? Dr. Crowley started creating them to level the playing field for the diverse children she was evaluating in New York. Here’s the full scoop:

Why is the Leaders Project considered one of the best resources for SLPs?

The Leaders Project website is packed with materials for speech, language therapy, and evaluations. Here Dr. Crowley talks about what can be found in the Leaders Project and how it continues to grow. It has all the SLAM materials and assessment materials like the parents’ critical questions, the teacher questions, non-word repetitions in Spanish, English, and Mandarin videos of dynamic assessment.

Hear Dr. Crowley’s full talk and earn ASHA CEUs with her presentation: Evidence-based Elicitation and Analysis Using the SLAM Materials

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