Phonology and Articulation Assessment for the Ipad

articulation assessmentIntroducing the Bilingual Articulation and Phonology Assessment (BAPA)




The BAPA is the first and only test in English and Spanish to account for multiple occurrences of sounds in each position of a word and for production of longer multisyllabic words independently.

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Complete your articulation assessments rapidly.

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  • Testing time = 5 – 10 minutes
  • English and Spanish included
  • Audio prompts for student
  • Optional voice recording of student productions


Say Goodbye to Protocols and Manually Tabulating Results

Additionally, the BAPA provides a method for tabulating phonological and articulatory productions and will automatically generate results.  Responses are generated in 6 tables and emailed or printed to easily add to your report.

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  • Position 
  • Manner
  • Voicing
  • Word error
  • Multisyllabic Words
  • Phonological Error Classification


Download the Articulation Assessment we all have been waiting for.



Bypassing Current Problems with the Articulation of Assessment

When a child does not produce /k/ in cama, is it because he cannot produce initial /k/, because he is un-familiar with the word cama, or because he was distracted when this test item was administered? Was the erroneous production affected by neighboring phonemes that influenced the production of /k/ for this word (assimilation) that would not affect production in other target words? By probing each item multiple times, the BAPA is able to produce a percentage of accuracy for each phoneme in each position. This gives a child multiple opportunities to produce a sound without assuming that the sound cannot be produced when targeted in a single, possibly unfamiliar, position.

Features of the BAPA

The Bilingual Articulation and Phonology Assessment evaluates the production of 50 Spanish phonemes and consonant clusters in 109 instances across 49 words. It is the first and only test in Spanish to account for multiple occurrences of sounds in each position of a word and for production of longer multisyllabic Spanish words independently. Additionally, the BAPA provides a method for tabulating phonological and articulatory productions and will automatically generate a report. Phonemes in all positions are test-ed more than once in order to calculate a percentage of accuracy.

Additional Information

The Bilingual Articulation and Phonology Assessment (BAPA) was developed for the purpose of assessing the articulatory and phonological abilities of Spanish-speaking and bilingual (English-Spanish) children. Best practices for assessment of speech sound disorders for bilingual children recommends an assessment of all languages spoken by the child. Through assessing both languages, one can more easily rule out or explain second-language influences and can describe errors observed in both languages as well as those errors specific to each language. This evaluation is to be considered as part of a full speech evaluation to include: measures of intelligibility, considerations for second language influence, and considerations for the age of acquisition of each phoneme. The BAPA was developed by Barbara Fernandes, Ellen Kester, Mary Bauman, and Scott Prath and published by Smarty Ears. The BAPA was normed on children ages 3;0 -10;11.  The BAPA is compatible with the iPad running iOS 4.0 or above.

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