Imagine standing at a crossroads, faced with two seemingly identical options. One path gleams with promises of success and prosperity, while the other looms with warnings of failure and despair. How do you decide? Welcome to the world of the framing effect, where the...
Framing Effect: Shaping Perspectives with Words
Imagine standing at a crossroads, faced with two seemingly identical options. One path gleams with promises of success and prosperity, while the other looms with warnings of failure and despair. How do you decide? Welcome to the world of the framing effect, where the...
A Letter to My Younger SLP-Self: 5 SLP Lessons
Dear Phuong, You just walked out of your first graduate school class, and you’re on your own in...
Staffing Considerations for SLPs
There are more than 75,000 school-based SLPs in the United States, and we are working too...
Evidence-Based Practices for SLPs
Can I do this? During my college days, I spent time thinking about my team's football schedule,...
Great Speech Session: Win the Heart to Win the Head
I’ve spent approximately 9,720 hours doing speech-language therapy, and I’ve discovered the secret...
What’s in a Name? Everthing, SLPs.
Say My Name Beyoncé and I have so much in common: our love for Texas, mutual respect for Sir Jay-Z...
How to Be a Successful Speech-Language Pathologist in 5 Steps
Where: ASHA Connect I just returned from ASHA Connect 2017 in New Orleans, and I am floored....