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Common Available Spanish Language Measures

                   Clinical Evalua on of Language Fundamentals ‐ 4th Edi on,

                                                   Spanish ‐ CELF‐4

           What is it?                        The CELF‐4 Spanish  is an individually administered test for determining if a
                                              student has an expressive and/or language impairment.  It is a set of two
                                              easels with picture prompts which are divided into specific language areas
                                              (e.g. following direc ons, syntax, vocabulary, etc).  The subtests are scored
                                              individually and added together for an overall language score.

           Primary Use:                       1. determine eligibility for language services
                                              2. iden fy language strengths and weaknesses
                                              3. provide performance‐based, authen c assessment with a strong
                                              rela onship to educa onal objec ves and the curriculum

           Intended Popula on and             Individuals ages 5‐21 year of age who speak Spanish.
           Age Ranges
           Norm‐Referenced or                 Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           At 1 S.D. .98
           test iden fies people with          At 1.5 S.D. .86
           an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the           At 1. S.D. .87
           test iden fies people               At 1.5 S.D. .95
           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time                 40‐80 minutes depending on number of subtests given

           How is it helpful for              Subtest scores are divided into different areas of need.  It has helpful charts
                                              at end of each subtest corresponding concept tested with item number.
                                              However, some of the concepts listed are not the skills that are actually
                                              need to be addressed.  For example, on the Word Classes subtest items 1, 4,
                                              15, and 19 are listed as addressing ‘school concepts’.  Actually the word
                                              rela onships to be addressed are object/func on, part/whole, etc.   It is
                                              nicely divided between expressive and recep ve language so that separate
                                              diagnoses are possible and goal wri ng is easy.

           Where can I find it or read         Pearson Clinical Group

           more about it?
                                              h p://‐
                                              evalua on‐of‐language‐fundamentals‐fourth‐edi on‐spanish‐celf‐4‐

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