Page 38 - Developmental Norms
P. 38

Language Milestones

                    Follows 2‐step direc ves         Answers simple “WH”
                                                          ques ons

                  Responds to Yes/No ques ons
                                                    Engages in episodic play         Follows 3‐step direc ons

                    2 - 3 Years                     3 - 4 Years                    4 - 5 Years

                  Regular past tense and simple       Combines 4+ words                 Uses adjec ves
                       preterit emerging
                                                        Uses possessives
                                                                                   Uses the same grammar  as
                  Produces speech that is o en                                      family/home environment
                                                   Irregular past tense,  imper‐
                      easy to understand
                                                   fect, and preterit emerging
                                                                                    Produces most consonant
                  Emerging use of plural form      Shares personal experiences     sounds present in language
                                                    (school, friends) in short
                   Present progressive verb
                                                       personal narra ves
                       forms emerging                                             Tells a story related to a topic
                                                   Begins to describe object use
                    Combines 2‐3 words to
                     comment and inquire
                                                   Produces speech that is usu‐
                                                     ally easy to  understand
                   Correct ar cle gender use
                                                   Generally speaks easily with‐
                                                   out effort in ini a ng sounds

                  Emerging use of indefinite/            Uses nega ves
                       definite ar cles
                                                   Emerging use of  indefinite/
                                                        definite ar cles

                Paul, 2001; Rose , 2006; Typical Speech and Language Development, 1997‐2011; Zimmerman, et al., 2002;

          (Published in Prath, 2015)

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