Page 37 - Developmental Norms
P. 37

Language Milestones

                 Receptive Language                                                Points to named items in

                                                                                   Listens to short stories for
                                                                                       several minutes

                                                                                  Points to familiar body parts
                                                   Recognizes familiar objects
                  Moves eyes toward direc on
                                                         when named                Follows simple commands
                          of sound

                     Reacts to loud noises            Understands "no"             Engages in symbolic play

                   0 - 6 Months                   6 -12 Months                     1 - 2 Years


                 Expressive Language

                    Vocalizes discomfort and        Babbles ("ma‐ma‐ma")          Early sounds begin to convey
                          pleasure                                                 meaning (m,p,b and most
                                                        Uses gestures

                                                                                    Says 1‐2 words phrases

                                                                                       Begins to make

                                                                                     environmental noises

                                                                                     Begins to  respond to
                                                                                  ques ons with gestures and
                                                                                          poin ng

                       Both English and Spanish          English Only        Spanish Only

          (Prath, 2015)

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