Page 36 - Developmental Norms
P. 36

3-4 years

          Engages in episodic play                                                   3 years
          Uses possessives                                                          3‐4 years
          Uses irregular past tense (imperfect and preterit)                        3‐4 years

          Uses nega ves                                                             3‐4 years
          Answer simple WH‐ques ons (who, what, when, where)                        3‐4 years

          Generally speaks easily without effort in ini a ng sounds                  3‐4 years
          Speech is generally understood  by all                                    3‐4 years
          Begins to describe the use of objects                                     3‐4 years
          Shares personal experiences ‐short personal narra ves                     3‐4 years
          Combines 4+ words                                                         3‐4 years

          4-5 years

          Tells a story related to a topic                                           4‐5 years

          Produces most consonant sounds present in language                         4‐5 years
          Uses the same grammar as family/home environment                           4‐5 years

          Follows 3‐step direc ons                                                   4‐5 years
          Uses adjec ves and descriptors in sentences                                4‐5 years

          6-7 years

          Narra ves have a central point, climax, and resolu on                      5‐7 years

          Mastery of most consonants                                                 6‐7 years
          Tells and re‐tells stories in a logical order using complete               6‐7 years

          7-9 years

          Uses more complex sentence structures                                      7‐8 years

          Can clarify and explain ideas when not understood                          7‐8 years

          Understands that words have synonyms, and mul ple
                                                                                     7‐9 years
          Narra ves have complete episodes, including a se ng,
                                                                                     7‐9 years
          reac on of characters, conflict, and resolu on

        (Prath, 2015)
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