Page 31 - Developmental Norms
P. 31

Common Available Spanish Articulation Measures

                                Spanish Preschool Ar cula on Test ‐ SPAT

           What is it?                        The SPAT is a test used to evaluate the speech of Spanish‐speaking
                                              preschool children.  You purchase the test online and are mailed a CD or files
                                              which you then print off to make your own tes ng book.  The manual and
                                              protocols are also digital and would be printed.

                                              The SPAT was included because it is s ll used by some speech pathologists
                                              but it has not been updated in quite some  me.
           Primary Use:                       For examining the produc on of  Spanish phonemes in single words.

           Intended Popula on and             Spanish‐speaking children ages 2;6‐5;6 (Normed on 300 La no children in
           Age Ranges                         Oregon).

           Norm‐Referenced or                 Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           Not reported
           test iden fies people with
           an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the           Not reported
           test iden fies people
           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time                 5‐10 minutes

           How is it helpful for              It is helpful in iden fying specific phonemes that need to be addressed at
                                              the word level.  It is also helpful that the test delineates in which posi on
                                              the sound is occurring (ini al, medial, final).  Also, the target words were
                                              chosen for simple syllable shape and because they were readily named by a
                                              majority of the norming popula on.

           Where can I find it or read         h p://
           more about it?

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