Page 29 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Articulation Measures
Contextual Probes of Ar cula on Competence ‐ Spanish ‐ CPAC
What is it? The CPAC‐S is a coil‐bound book of 50+ color pictures. The administrator
can use a por on of it as a screener or the full test. Responses are
handwri en on a collec on form and then tabulated. If administrator has
more me, responses can then be manually entered into a page on a er se ng up an account to receive electronic
tabula ons.
Primary Use: Screener/comprehensive assessment to gauge ar culatory and phonological
Intended Popula on and Spanish‐speaking children ages 3;0‐8;11 in the United States (normed on
Age Ranges 1127 children in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Mexico).
Norm‐Referenced or Norm‐Referenced
Criterion Referenced
Sensi vity (How well the At 1 S.D. 94%
test iden fies people with At 1.5 S.D. 98%
an impairment)
Specificity (How well the At 1 S.D. 91%
test iden fies people At 1.5 S.D. 80%
without an impairment)
Administra on Time 15‐20 minutes
How is it helpful for Some por ons of the test are very helpful. It comes with an extra book of
planning? Spanish word/sound probes to use a er a diagnosis has been made. I t is
fairly helpful for gathering baseline data and char ng progress.
Where can I find it or read Super Duper Publica ons
more about it? h ps:// d=577#.V6i‐f_krLIU
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