Page 28 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Articulation Measures
Bilingual Ar cula on and Phonology Assessment— BAPA
What is it? The BAPA is an iPad test for assessing the ar culatory and phonological
abili es of monolingual and bilingual speakers of English and Spanish. Both
languages can tested, responses are marked and tabulated as you progress
the results, scores, and tables are immediately created upon comple on.
Primary Use: A norm‐referenced tool for the assessment of ar cula on and phonological skills
for Spanish, English, and/or Spanish‐English Bilingual Children.
Intended Popula on and Spanish‐speaking children and bilingual Spanish‐English‐speaking children ages 3;0‐
Age Ranges 10;11 in the United States (normed on 438 children in Central Texas).
Norm‐Referenced or Norm‐Referenced
Criterion Referenced
Sensi vity (How well the For Bilinguals in Spanish at 1 S.D. 94% and at 1.5 S.D. 72%
test iden fies people with
For Bilinguals in English at 1 S.D. 92% and at 1.5 S.D. 92%
an impairment)
Specificity (How well the For Bilinguals in Spanish at 1 S.D. 90% and at 1.5 S.D. 92%
test iden fies people
For Bilinguals in English at 1 S.D. 92% and at 1.5 S.D. 93%
without an impairment)
Administra on Time 5‐10 minutes
How is it helpful for Quickly assesses all sounds in English and/or Spanish. Auto‐tabulates all results
upon comple on which can be printed, emailed, or added to report.
Most sounds are tested mul ple mes each posi on.
Sound prompts, recording produc ons, and repe ons are all possible.
Automa cally populates error rates. Allows you to view performance over me.
Assesses each sound mul ple mes in all appropriate word posi ons.
Data is kept on each child so progress can be viewed over me.
Errors are marked as test is being given.
Where can I find it or read Search: Bilingual Ar cula on Phonology Assessment by Smarty Ears on iTunes.
more about it?
h ps://‐ar cula on‐phonology/id460830225?
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