Page 32 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Articulation Measures
Goldman‐Fristoe Test of Ar cula on 3‐Spanish
What is it? The GFTA‐3 Spanish is a test used to evaluate the speech of Spanish‐
speaking children. It is an easel based book divided into 4 sec ons : sounds
in words (2‐6;11), sounds in sentences (2‐6;11), sounds in words (7‐21;11),
sounds in sentences (7‐21;11).
The SPAT was included because it is s ll used by some speech pathologists
but it has not been updated in quite some me.
Primary Use: For examining the produc on of Spanish phonemes in single words in all
posi ons up to sentence level crea ons.
Intended Popula on and Spanish‐speaking children ages 2;0—21;11 (Normed on 300 La no children
Age Ranges in Oregon).
Norm‐Referenced or Norm‐Referenced
Criterion Referenced
Sensi vity (How well the At 1 S.D. 91%
test iden fies people with
an impairment)
Specificity (How well the At 1 S.D. 88%
test iden fies people
without an impairment)
Administra on Time 13‐14 minutes stated. This is strictly for administra on. A true measure of
tes ng, coun ng and categorizing errors, and determining appropriate
targets puts it realis cally at 40‐60 minutes
How is it helpful for It is helpful in iden fying specific phonemes that need to be addressed at
the word level and sentence level. Authors have also included a place to try
s mulability of sounds that were said in error so that errors aren’t recorded
for a single mis‐produc on. It remains a good tool for what it is adver sed
for and for the field’s familiarity. However, the tabula on and iden fica on
of goals is s ll painstaking in this newest version.
Where can I find it or read h ps://
more about it?
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