Page 27 - Developmental Norms
P. 27

Analysis of the Informal and Formal Bilingual Speech


             Conduct informal and formal ar cula on assessment in English.
             Work with an interpreter to gather parent concerns and to iden fy any sound errors that might occur.
             Beforehand, seek out informa on about the syllable structure in the other language (CVC, CV, VC, clusters, etc.). Look for
             informa on on phonotac c constraints. E.g. where sounds can occur in a word and when they can be combined.
             Search the web for h p:// to obtain an IPA chart for the other language.

             Determine the specific ar cula on errors that occur in English in single words and connected speech.
              Ask the interpreter to list sounds in error in the other language.

                                             A phoneme is incorrect in English.

                                      Does the other language have the same phoneme?
                                       Is the syllable structure the same?

            Yes, the other language has the same phoneme.     No, the other language does not have the same phoneme.  Or,
            The other language has the same syllable          no, the syllable structure is not the same (e.g. few final
            structure.                                        consonants as in Spanish, no consonant clusters as in Turkish,

             Does the student ar culate this phoneme          Then the ar cula on error in English may reflect the influence of
             correctly in the other language?                 the other language on English.  The student will need to learn
                                                              this phoneme, as is expected for all ESOL students.  No speech
                                                              therapy objec ves are needed to address this sound.

             No, the student does not ar culate this sound or      Yes.  Then the student will need to transfer this phoneme
             phonological process in the other language.  Then the   to English, as is expected for all ESOL students.
             student may need accommoda ons and/or specialized
             teaching to acquire this phoneme.  Developmental
             expecta ons and phonotac c constraints need to be

             S mulability assessment may be helpful in refining goals and
             objec ves and in developing specialized teaching objec ves
             and strategies that may be helpful to the student.
                                                                    Contribu ng author: Claire Greenlea, SLP,  Richardson, Texas

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