Page 30 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Articulation Measures
Spanish Ar cula on Measure—SAM
What is it? This is a book of black‐and‐white images that can be used to assess
consonant produc on and phonological processes in Spanish. An
administrator illicits a spontaneous or repeated produc on of a word and
then record the produc on on a protocol which is a grid of words (y) and
sounds (x). You then hand tabulate the errors.
Primary Use: Produc on of Spanish consonants and phonological processes
Intended Popula on and Spanish speakers 3;0 and up
Age Ranges
Norm‐Referenced or Criterion Referenced
Criterion Referenced
Sensi vity (How well the N/A
test iden fies people with
an impairment)
Specificity (How well the N/A
test iden fies people
without an impairment)
Administra on Time 15 minutes
How is it helpful for Can quickly iden fy phonemes in error. With hand calcula ons, can iden fy
percentages of phonological processes present.
Where can I find it or read Academic Communica on Associates Website:
more about it? h p://
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