Page 34 - Developmental Norms
P. 34

Contrastive Analysis for Language: Morphosyntax

                Feature             Spanish              English                Examples of Errors
              Word order       Flexible              Strict Subject‐Verb‐  The ball he threw.*/ He threw the ball.
                                                     Object order
              Possessives      noun+of+person        ’s                 The car of my mom is blue*/ My mom’s car is
              Adjec ves        Adjec ve follows noun   Adjec ve precedes   The ball big bounced.*/ The big ball bounced.
              Present tense    5‐6 forms, determined   2 forms:         She talk to me.* / She talks to me.
              verb inflec on    by subject:           I eat
                               Yo como               You eat
                               Tú comes              He eats
                               Él/Ella/Ud. come      We eat
                               Nosotros comemos      You all eat
                               Vosotros coméis       They eat
                               Ellos comen
              Use of subject   Pro‐drop              Pronoun is always   Looks for the frog* / He looks for the frog.
              pronouns                               required
              Regular past     5‐6 forms, determined   One form (‐ed)   She walk to the store* / She walked to the store.
              tense            by subject
              Double object    Can be used           Cannot be used     I saw him the man*/ I saw the man
              Double nega ve   Can be used           Cannot be used     I don’t want to do nothing*/ I don’t want to do
              Ques on          Ques ons marked by    Ques ons marked    You give me a s cker?*/ Will you give me a
              forma on         inflec on or ques on   by word order      s cker?
                               words                 inversion, ques on
                                                     words,  or addi on   What you think?*/ What do you think?
                                                     of do
                                                                        We can go?* / Can we go?
              Mul ‐purpose     Verbs with mul ple    Verbs with mul ple   I have 4 years*/ I am four years old.
              verbs            meanings that do not   meanings that do
                               always correspond to   not always        Do you have hunger?*/ Are you hungry?
                               English               correspond to

            (Bedore, Peña, & Kester, 2007; Goldstein & Iglesias, 2006; Kester & Gorman, 2004; MacWhinney & Bates, 1989)

                                Some Common Prepositions Errors

                                                                           Possible misuses of prepositions
                        Spanish                        English                          in  English
              En  (in/on)                      In/on                      Put the food in the plate.*
                                                                          Put the food on the bowl.*
              Pensar en/pensar de (think in/think   To think about or think of   I think on him everyday.*
                                                                          You can do it if you think of it.*
              Enojarse con (to get mad with)   To get mad at              She get mad with me.*
              Soñar con (to dream with)        To dream of                I dreamt with you last night*
              Decidir de (to decide of)        To decide on               Have you decided of what you want?*

              Casarse con (to marry with)      To marry or be married to   Is he married with her?*
              Estar enamorado de (to be in love of)   To be in love with   Is he in love of her?*

            Note: Sentences marked with an asterisk (*) are awkward or not gramma cal.                      (Kester & Gorman, 2004)

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