Page 41 - Developmental Norms
P. 41

Analysis of the Informal and Formal Bilingual RECEPTIVE

                                          Language Assessment

                       Conduct informal and formal language assessment in English and in the other language.

                 Perform an item analysis of the formal assessment and a similar analysis of the informal assessment.

                                                   A specific linguis c structure or language ability in correct in English.

                                                   Add this linguis c structure or language ability to the list of linguis c
                                                   structures or language abili es that the student can perform in English, in
                                                   the other language, and/or in both languages.

                                                   Does the student perform age‐appropriate linguis c structures and language
                                                   abili es in English, in the other language, and/or in both languages?  If so,
                                                   the student may have adequate language abili es for the classroom.

            A specific linguis c structure
            or language ability is incorrect
            in English.

            The error is a               Does the student perform the linguis c structure or language ability in the other
            developmental error,         language?
            one that may be
            expected given the age
            of the student.  The
            student can be expected
            to develop the language
                                         No, the student does not perform the linguis c   Yes.  Then the student will
            ability given  me.
                                         structure or language ability in the other language.    need to transfer this linguis c
                                         Then the student may need accommoda ons and/    structure or language ability
                                         or specialized teaching to acquire this linguis c   to English, as is expected for
                                         structure or language ability.                  all ESOL students.

                                            Extension Tes ng:  “Use extension tes ng … to learn more about the variables that
                                            have contributed to the student’s errors. …Use extension tes ng to establish
                                            condi ons under which the student can perform successfully.”  (Page 16, CELF
                                            manual)          For PLS, try to teach the concept in an age‐appropriate item to see how
                                            readily the student learns a new concept.

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