Page 45 - Developmental Norms
P. 45

Common Available Spanish Language Measures

            Clinical Evalua on of Language Fundamentals ‐Preschool‐2 Spanish  ‐


           What is it?                        The CELF—P2 is similar to the CELF 4/5 but is for younger children.  It has 10
                                              subtests and the administra on is divided into levels.  For example, you
                                              would test on Level 1 to determine the presence of a language disorder and
                                              then Level 2 to get more specific informa on about what the child is
                                              struggling with.

           Primary Use:                       To test the language skills of bilingual young children from age 3 through
                                              first grade.

           Intended Popula on and             Spanish‐speaking children ages 3;0‐6;11 (normed on 464 Spanish‐speaking
           Age Ranges                         children in the United States and Puerto Rico.

           Norm‐Referenced or                 Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           At 1 SD .86
           test iden fies people with
           an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the           At 1 SD .89
           test iden fies people

           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time                 Level 1: 15—20 minutes. En re test: variable

           How is it helpful for              For professionals who like the CELF, the CELF‐P extends down into the
           planning?                          younger ages more accurately.  It helps show larger areas of strength and
                                              weaknesses so that really good goals can be wri en.  It is especially helpful
                                              for iden fying those students that have typical recep ve language abili es
                                              and impaired expressive language.

           Where can I find it or read         Pearson Clinical Group

           more about it?
                                              h p://‐

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