Page 48 - Developmental Norms
P. 48

Common Available Spanish Language Measures

                           Spanish Language Assessment Procedures ‐ SLAP

           What is it?                        The SLAP is a three‐part test consis ng of a criterion‐referenced assessment
                                              of Spanish language skills,  an assessment of Spanish Speech Sound
                                              Produc on which assesses the produc on of consonants when a possible
                                              ar cula on disorder is suspected, and 3) Communica on Sampling and the
                                              Iden fica on of Communica ve Disorders which involves collec ng samples
                                              of a child's natural communica on.  It comes with a set of picture cards and
                                              other objects such as scissors, crayons, etc. need to be provided.

           Primary Use:                       Evalua ng the speech and language abili es of young Spanish‐speaking

           Intended Popula on and             Spanish‐speaking children ages 3 to 8 years of age.
           Age Ranges

           Norm‐Referenced or                 Criterion Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           N/A
           test iden fies people with
           an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the           N/A
           test iden fies people
           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time                 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on what pieces to administer.

           How is it helpful for              One advantage of the SLAP is that it is designed to measure specific
                                              academic  skills such as naming colors, describing noun func ons,
                                              categorizing words, describing similari es and differences, following
                                              auditory direc ons, providing verbal solu ons for problems, and retelling
                                              short stories. These basic skills are o en cited in referrals for special
                                              educa on so it makes talking to educators easy.
           Where can I find it or read         Academic Communica on Associates
           more about it?
                                              h p://

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