Page 44 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Language Measures

                           The Bilingual English Spanish Assessment ‐ BESA

           What is it?                        The BESA is a language evalua on to use with young Spanish‐English
                                              bilingual children.  It has two ques onnaires and divides  the tes ng area
                                              into three subtests (Seman cs, Morphosyntax, and Phonology).  It also has
                                              an addi onal Pragma c Language ac vity that is not scored.

           Primary Use:                       It is designed to be a single test of all major communica on areas of young
                                              elementary school children.

           Intended Popula on and             Spanish‐English bilingual children ages 4;0‐6;11

           Age Ranges
           Norm‐Referenced or                 Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           Seman cs .81
           test iden fies people with          Morphosyntax .92
           an impairment)
                                              Composite .92

                                              Phonology .88
           Specificity (How well the           Seman cs .83
           test iden fies people               Morphosyntax .86
           without an impairment)
                                              Composite .88

                                              Phonology .94
           Administra on Time                 45‐70 minutes depending on use of surveys and if the ques onnaires are

           How is it helpful for              The components of the BESA can be used independently, or together as an
           planning?                          assessment ba ery. This helps to iden fy specific areas of need or test
                                              specific areas of concern.  Goals can then be wri en for each individual area.

           Where can I find it or read         AR‐Clinical Publica ons

           more about it?
                                              h p://‐

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