Page 42 - Developmental Norms
P. 42

Common Available Spanish Vocabulary Measures

                                           CELF‐4 Spanish              EOWPVT‐4                ROWPVT‐4

                                              Clinical Evalua on of   Expressive One‐Word Picture   Recep ve One‐Word Picture
                                            Language Fundamentals  ‐ 4   Vocabulary Test: Spanish   Vocabulary Test: Spanish
           What is it?                     A small subtest of a     About 200 color pictures   About 200 color pictures
                                           larger language          test common              test common
                                           assessment which tests   vocabulary.  You begin at  vocabulary.  You begin
                                           vocabulary using a       the age level of a child/  at the age level of a
                                           pictures to elicit       adult and pictures       child/adult and pictures
                                           responses.               progressively get more   progressively get more
                                                                    difficult.                 difficult.
           Primary Use:                    Subtest for single‐word   Assesses expressive     Assesses recep ve single
                                           expressive vocabulary    single word vocabulary.   word vocabulary.

           Intended Popula on and          Individuals ages 5‐21    Individuals ages 2;0‐70;0   Individuals ages 2;0‐70;0
                                           year of age who speak    who are bilingual in     who are bilingual in
           Age Ranges
                                           Spanish.                 Spanish and English..    Spanish and English..
           Norm‐Referenced or              Norm‐Referenced          Norm‐Referenced          Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the        At 1 S.D. .98            Not provided             Not provided
           test iden fies people            At 1.5 S.D. .86
           with an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the        At 1. S.D. .87           Not provided             Not provided
           test iden fies people            At 1.5 S.D. .95
           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time              10 minutes               20‐25 minutes            20‐25 minutes
           How is it helpful for           Can hint towards need    For bilingual students:   For bilingual students:
                                           for dynamic              can hint towards need    can hint towards need
                                           interven on where        for dynamic interven on  for dynamic interven on
                                           concepts are taught      where concepts are       where concepts are
                                           prior to use of concepts   taught prior to use of   taught prior to use of
                                           in interven on session.   concepts in interven on   concepts in interven on
                                                                    session.                 session.

                                                                    Can assist in diagnosing   Can assist in diagnosing
                                                                    adult brain‐based        adult brain‐based
                                                                    difficul es post trauma    difficul es post trauma
                                                                    such as stroke.          such as stroke.
           Where can I find it or           Pearson Clinical Group   Sold by mul ple          Sold by mul ple
           read more about it?                                      publishers, e.g.         publishers, e.g.

                                           h p://                   h p://                   h p://
                                           m/                       m/                       m/

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