Page 46 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Language Measures

                       Preschool Language Scales, 5th Edi on Spanish ‐ PLS‐5

           What is it?                        The PLS‐5 helps iden fy monolingual or bilingual Spanish‐speaking children
                                              who have a language disorder or delay.  It is an easel that is divided into
                                              expressive and recep ve language sec ons and comes with a bag of objects
                                              to use during tes ng of younger children.

           Primary Use:                       The PLS‐5 is a norm‐referenced test to iden fy a language delay or disorder.

           Intended Popula on and             Monolingual Spanish‐speaking children and bilingual Spanish‐English
           Age Ranges                         speakers birth to 7;11 (normed on 1150  children in the United States and
                                              Puerto Rico)
           Norm‐Referenced or                 Norm‐Referenced
           Criterion Referenced

           Sensi vity (How well the           At 1 SD .85
           test iden fies people with
           an impairment)

           Specificity (How well the           At 1 SD .88
           test iden fies people
           without an impairment)

           Administra on Time                 Birth to 11 months: 20‐40 min

                                              12 months to 3 years 11 months: 30‐40 min

                                              4 years to 6 years 11months: 25‐45 min

           How is it helpful for              Each item addresses a specific concept/skill. If a child misses the items
                                              within an expected for age range the concept can be readdressed during
                                              informal assessment.

           Where can I find it or read         Pearson Clinical Group
           more about it?
                                              h p://‐
                                              language‐scales‐fi h‐edi on‐spanish‐pls‐5‐spanish.html

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