Page 47 - Developmental Norms
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Common Available Spanish Language Measures
Test of Early Language Development—3rd Edi on: Spanish ‐ TELD 3‐S
What is it? The TELD‐3S is a transla on and adapta on of the English TELD. It is a test
of expressive and recep ve language using a picture book and manipula ves
for the younger children.
Primary Use: It is designed to assess the language abili es of children from Spanish‐
speaking countries.
Intended Popula on and Children ages 1;0‐7;11 who are monolingual Spanish speaking or are “Spanish
dominant” (normed on 1441 children in Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain and the
Age Ranges United States
Norm‐Referenced or Norm‐Referenced
Criterion Referenced
Sensi vity (How well the Not reported
test iden fies people with
an impairment)
Specificity (How well the Not reported
test iden fies people
without an impairment)
Administra on Time 15‐45 minutes
How is it helpful for Unique to the TELD –3 S is that the popula on that it was standardized on
varied widely to ensure that li le or no bias rela ve to gender, disability,
race, socioeconomic level, ethnic group, and dialect varia on affects the
Where can I find it or read ProEd Inc,
more about it?
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