Page 95 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 95
Assessing What to Work on, Choosing Goals, and Taking Data
2 Grade – Receptive Language
5C. Identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or similar (synonyms)
in meaning
14A. Identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic
28A. Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information
28B. Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short, related actions
2 Grade – Expressive Language
3B. Ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and
other texts and support answers with evidence from text
5C. Identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or similar (synonyms)
in meaning
14C. Describe the order of events or ideas in a text
17D. Edit drafts for grammar, punctuation, and spelling using a teacher-developed rubric
28A. Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information
28B. Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short, related actions
21A. Understand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing,
and speaking:
(i) verbs (past, present, and future)
(ii) nouns (singular/plural, common/proper)
(iii) adjectives (e.g., descriptive: old, wonderful; articles: a, an, the)
(iv) adverbs (e.g., time: before, next; manner: carefully, beautifully)
(v) prepositions and prepositional phrases
(vi) pronouns (e.g., he, him)
(vii) time-order transition words
21B. Use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement
29. Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the
conventions of language. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. Students are expected to share information and ideas that focus on the
topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using of language.
3 Grade – Articulation
1A. Decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying
common spelling patterns
30. Listening and Speaking/Speaking. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the
conventions of language. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. Students are expected to speak coherently about the topic under